.•Chapter Six.•

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As Jungkook was trying to get some sleep, he heard the front door knocking. He groaned and tried to lift himself up from his bed -- only to him falling flat on his face. He got up and slapped himself, making his way downstairs and put the key in the hole. (;-;)

When he opened the door, nobody was there. Jungkook scoffed and looked pissed. "If you kids did this to me on purpose to wake me up from my beauty sleep, I will go out there and kick your asses!" He yelled, not noticing something in front of him. He was about to close the door when something trapped itself in between the door itself - and the frame.

"Jimin?" He questioned, looking at the carrot looking boy. He only got a groan of annoyance in return. "The fuck you doing here?" He asked, grabbing the older by the arms and practically dragging him inside and sitting him down on the couch.

"Well, you see." He grinned. This can't be good. "Yoongi and I had a slight disagreement because of Taehyung." He frowned.

"What?" Jungkook rose an eyebrow and sat on the opposite couch.

'They had an argument about Taehyung.. That's got to be serious, Yoongi rarely argues over anything with Jimin -- Unless about his new songs, but still.. Something's not really right here.'

"I was sitting in Yoongi's room, waiting for him to come back upstairs and all of a sudden, I heard him and Hoseok yelling." He waved his arms drastically. "He came back upstairs and asked me what I thought about Taehyung. So I said he's nice or whatever.. And.."

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"I think he's a nice person, well mannered too, but.." Jimin fidgeted with his fingers - a sign of when he's nervous.

"But what, Park?" Yoongi rose his voice, ordering Jimin to go on with his sentence.

" Jungkook said that he and Taehyung were at the rooftop yesterday. And something happened between them. He said that Taehyung had spoken and started pushing himself onto Kookie. But he didn't tell me anything else after it. Don't get me wrong, I do like Taehyung, but Kookie said he talked, but that doesn't make sense since he's basically mute right?"

Yoongi stammered a little, unable to get the words he needed out of his mouth. He turned his head to the right a little, his attitude changing. Jimin immediately caught on. He got up from the bed and hugged Yoongi, tighter than he ever did.

"Yoonie, I know how you get when you're tense, mad, upset, so forget all of that and calm down." Jimin smiled a little, knowing that Yoongi listened to him. "Maybe I should leave for the night, just so you can calm down." He nodded, playing with Yoongi's hair.

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"And, yeah, that was basically everything." He came out, worried if Jungkook was going to hit him, or even yell at him. He knew that Jungkook didn't want Yoongi finding out that Taehyung had spoken, but both of them had no idea that he could either. Jimin was feeling a little bit of betrayal from his boyfriend and demanded that he would tell him everything.

"So.. Were you making it up when you said Taehyung talked?" His face darkened. "Because you owe me, my relationship with Yoonie."

"Oh please, if you call him Yoonie, might as well call him Daddy." Jungkook teased, seeing his friend in disbelief. "Wait, you do?"

"Shut up! Shut up!" Jimin yelled, blushing like shit. "This isn't about me, it's about Taehyung."

Jungkook sighed. "Yes, Taehyung did talk but it was weird. In a second he kept saying stuff like; "Do you remember me?" I was confused."

Jimin nodded. "Do you remember anyone with the name 'Tae'?"

"Erm... Taeyang?" He spoke, questioning his answer. He scratched his head.

Jimin facepalmed. "I don't mean from BigBang, you idiot." He sighed. "Can I just stay here for the night, just so I can clear my head and talk to Yoongi tomorrow." Jimin pleaded, his puppy dog eyes showing.

Jungkook closed his eyes and nodded, "But you're sleeping on the couch. My sister is sleeping with her girlfriend in her room and when she's woken up, boy let me tell you." He joked, pushing Jimin to the couch. He grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around him. "Tell you what, I'll sleep on the other couch, just so you won't yell when you wake up." 

Jimin was confused about what he said but shrugged it off.


Jimin got woken up to a notification appearing on his phone. His whole face went from confusion to disbelief. 

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