.•Chapter Five.•

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What they saw was unbelievable..

Taehyung was on the floor, knees up to his face, while Jungkook was currently punching some guy's face. They were petrified to move.

"Jungkook, stop!" Yoongi yelled, causing the younger to face him. He dropped the guy -- who ran away and out the door.

"Explain, now." He demanded. Folding his arms, looking at the now crying Taehyung, on the floor.

"That bastard kept calling Taehyung .. V .." He looked down, making Yoongi look at him in surprise. "He said he owed him fucking money."

'Crazy bastards. All I wanted was to enjoy my high school experience with N.O disruptions. But no, I can't do that. Thanks to Yoongi and his fucking weird friend, who I just met today.' Jungkook thought.

The speakers that were hanging on the wall, got adjusted and a loud male voice was heard.

"School is now out for today, tomorrow and the rest of the year will be going home as normal."

Jimin and Hoseok ran out the door, to catch the bus. Yoongi, Taehyung, and Jungkook still haven't moved. Acknowledging that they are the only ones standing in the school hallway, Yoongi speaks up.

"Come by my house on the weekend." He looked over his shoulder and helped Taehyung up. "And bring Jimin with you." He smirked.

Jungkook watched them walked out and ran to his bus, seeing as he was the last one there, one seat was left spared, right at the back. He sat down and got confused.

'Taehyung came on this bus earlier.. Or maybe he was going home with Hoseok and Yoongi. Yeah, that could be it.'

After 13 minutes if riding on the bus, he got off and walked to his house, being greeted by his sister and her girlfriend, Lisa.

He mumbled a quick 'hey' to them and walked in the house. He needed to get rid of the image of the guy trying to hurt Taehyung..


"Hey, you're Taehyung, right?" A tall guy with black hair asked, showing off his big smile. Once earning a nod from Taehyung, he decided to go deeper. "So, are you V?" His eyes darkened.

Jungkook got confused and walked up to the guy. He pulled on his arm and yanked him to the lockers, practically telling him to stop. 

"Why would you call Taehyung V?" He spat, looking at the poor Taehyung who's eyes started to darken. "I mean, he's just .. Taehyung. Kim Taehyung."

The guy pulled his arm back and smirked at the younger. "Better watch it, Jeon. Taehyung is our business, not yours." He confirmed, staring right at the boy, who looked like he was about to cry.

Taehyung shook his head and stepped back a little, back into the door. The guy trapped him, by putting his right leg in between the others'. He chuckled slightly. Jungkook didn't really know what the actual fuck was going on, so he decided to look deeper.

"Brat, answer me." He demanded. The other guy turned his head. "Who the fuck are you, why do you want Taehyung and why are you calling him V?" 

"I'm Minho, my business is confidential, and my business with little Taehyung over here is that he and his little friend Suga owes us money," He continued, watching happily as Taehyung slid down the door. "They were part of a bank heist, with our company. They listened to no one and decided to rip apart any belongings that anybody had. The cops were unable to catch them, as they were too fast, so in the end, they shouted their names to us." He muttered.

Minho's mind was replaying the whole scene.

"Stop running immediately, and put your hands in the air!" He yelled, grabbing his gun from his left pocket. "Fuckers." He muttered. "Who the fuck are you?!" He demanded.

Before the two ran into the alleyway, they yelled out their names.

"V!", peace sign.

"Suga." , middle finger.

His mind stopped replaying.

"So, you're basically telling me. That Taehyung and Yoongi are part of some, robbery?" He questioned, raising his eyebrow. "I don't believe it, you piece of shit." He spat, coldly.

"You don't need to believe us. Me and my friend, Key were there in the daylight, as it happened," He continued, smirking. "But, Taehyung seemed so .. Hot at that time." 

Something in Jungkook changed, he didn't like the way Minho complimented Taehyung, not one bit. He walked over to him and started punching him. Taehyung fell on the floor, knees covering his face, obviously in tears. Everything in Jungkook caused him to not hear anything anymore; that is until he heard his friends call out his name.

"Jungkook, stop!" Somebody's voice ran cold through his ears until he looked up and saw them.


Jungkook lay flat on his bed, contemplating his life. He fell weird about his first day back. He met a guy who couldn't talk, but suddenly could. The guy almost got attacked by this fucker, and he bets that Yoonmin were trying to fuck somewhere!

'Could this fucking day get any worse?! I just want to have a normal high school experience! Not be in some kdrama! Fucking nuisance.'

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