.•Chapter TwentyTwo•.

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Jungkook looked wide-eyed. Not knowing if it was V or TaeTae, made his heart skip a beat.

"..Tae?" Hearing a soft hum, he gently brushed the boy's hair out of his face. "Did you just... Talk?"

Watching how the older immediately got flustered and looked around. Looking around, he looked away from the younger and when he looked back, his eyes were completely different.

A deep dark green shade-filled his glossy eyes. Gazing back and forth, getting alarmed when seeing Jungkook. Quickly backing away, standing up from the couch, his eyes were filled with sadness.

"Who the fuck are you and why are you with Taehyung?" His voice beamed with pure hatred.

"I-I– Who are you?" Kook questioned. "And my name is Jungkook."

Seeing the boy shake his head, the younger instantly realized that his lover had another alter.

'First, V, then TaeTae and now another one? How many fucking alters does he have?!'

"My name is Kang Ji-Hun." The boy spoke, looking around for his glasses, after finding them, he sat on the chair opposite the couch. "As you may know by now, Taehyung has many alters. I'm one of them."

"I only met V and TaeTae and now you," Ji-Hun's eyes widened. "What?"

Kang shook his head, glaring at Jungkook. "You.. Met V?" Gazing at how he nodded, his eyes widened with worry.

"Make sure, he never goes to a man named Rim Kwang-Ho. V's trying to make Taehyung go to sleep, so he could be the host of the alters. If he does that, we're all dead, letting Tae die with us."

Jungkook's eyes widened, mouth agape. Not realizing that his fists had clenched.

"Can't we get rid of V instead?" The younger protested. Seeing the other shake hi- their head, he sighed. Suddenly, he remembered something that he completely forgot.

"I have to go to Yoongi-Hyung's house and you're coming with me." Ji-Hun nodded, allowing himself to be pulled by the latter.


"Y-Yoongi! He didn't mean it!" Hobi yelled, desperate for the older to calm down. "Jin, keep hold of Namjoon!"

"Can't you see, I'm trying? He's hiding in your room, along with Jimin!"

Jimin, Jin, Hoseok, Namjoon, and Yoongi, were currently sitting down watching Asia's Got Talent. Seeing as that was the only good thing to watch at that time of night.

Joon coughed and sat crisscrossed on the floor. "My mom has to get surgery for her leg again."

"Aww, Joonie, she'll be okay. Alyssa is a tough woman!" Encouraged Jin, patting his husband's back.

"My parents are both dead," Yoongi said bluntly, not caring that the four boys were staring at him like he committed a crime. Hobi looked down and nodded slowly.

"I'm sorry for your loss, Hyung and same with you, Seokie, but I can't get over the fact that she has to have another surgery done," continued Joon. "My dad is still getting his chemo done and all I have been doing was-"

"You must care about my fucking parents if you can blab on about yours." Shocking everyone, Namjoon's eyes widened and were immediately filled with sadness.

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