.•Chapter Twelve•.

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This chapter may be long, but I have actually been writing this for almost two days, so yeah ..

"Oh shit.."

Taehyung coughed up blood nonstop. Jin cautiously placed his hand on his back, tempting to calm him-- but did that work. Not really.

The boy gazed at him. Revealing his ash-grey coloured eyes. Jungkook's eyes widened. Why did V come out so early?

"Taeh- V.." Kook softly spoke, not trying to anger the older. "It's me.. Jungkook."

Here he was; trying to tame the Violent Personality of Taehyung. Trying to reassure him everything will be okay.. But in reality- its all a false lie.

"..." He paced his eyes back and forth, looking at Yoongi and angrily glared at him. "This is all your fucking fault."

Everyone was shocked to see him lash out like that. The pale boy was obviously frightened a little, and stiffened next to his boyfriend.

"Um.. How is it-"

"Don't fucking act innocent.. You left me the last time we robbed the bank. If I got caught, so did Taehyung, if I was shot, he will be the same. Dont you dare think of leaving me agai-"

He was cut off by coughing up blood once more. His back hitting the brick wall, causing him to groan more.

"What is.. Actually happening?" Asked a smol Jimin, who enjoyed having his lovers arms around his shoulder.

"V.. If you can understand me, are you in pain right now?" The aforementioned nodded. "Then dont you think Taehyung is?" Seokjin tried to use his psychiatrist voice on him, hoping he'll open up.

"It's all his- fault."

Those words struck Jungkook. Of course he hasn't known the boy that long, but he feels comfortable to know that the struggling boy has someone who can help.

"It's not his fault!" Kook yelled, getting the attention of the others, and the boy who was trying to glare at him. "You wouldn't even be alive right now if it wasn't for Taehyung. He basically made you so be grateful you have a life!"

Everyone was shocked to hear Jungkook speak out loud. He's never done it for anyone before, so why did he do it for Taehyung? Nobody knows.

"Why do you.. Care so much.. For this pathetic boy.." Came a week voice from V's direction.

Kook walked over to him, and placed his arm on his shoulder, replacing Jin's with his.

"Because- I..

I love him.."

Once again, the boys did a double take, having the words repeated over and over again. V's eyes teared up and pushed him away.

"Why do- I.. You-"

He was cut off by a hug, from Yoongi. V calmed down after getting help from his best friend. He glared at Jimin; who obviously didn't like it.

"We all love you. Dont beat yourself up. Jungkook really admires Taehyung; which has lead for him to develop feelings. You, being the violent alter wouldn't know what love is." The pale boy explained. He hugged his friend tighter.

It took a while, a while for V to break down and tear up. He wrapped his arms around with mint haired boy. Jungkook and Jimin didn't like it at all; so they took their arms off the two boys and grabbed each boy. Kook having Tae- V and Mochi having Suga.

They all sat on the roof in complete boredom. The door opened revealing Namjoon, making Seokjin glare at him right away.

"What're you.." He trailed off, not knowing what he was actually doing here.

"You were taking to long, so I asked a supply to do my class for me." Joon grinned, showing his dimples.

Jin muttered a 'Oh, gotcha'.

As they were explaining to their teacher, Jungkook and V were currently looking out into the distance, balancing their elbows/arms on the metal bar.

"I'm still sorry, V." Kook said, going that the older wouldn't be mad.

"S'fine." He simply stated. "But, I was only trying to protect Taehyung."

"Protect him from what?" Jungkook was now confused. The violent alter wasn't making any sense right now.


Jungkook thought it was best to leave it as that. But one thing V couldn't let go was:

"You like Taehyung?" He wiggled his eyebrows, laughing how the younger's face flushed red.


He got cut off by the older caressing his cheek. This remind the other of what happened on the rooftop that day, it wasn't Taehyung but V himself.

"Ssh, bunny boy. I dont want to hear you talk all day, even though your voice is adorable."

He crashed his lips onto the younger's. Not a sign of protest or anything, Kook wrapped his arms around his neck. They held onto eachother for dear life; not wanting to let go.

The boys walked to the direction they were at, and their jaws dropped. V bent Kook over the railing, pushing his arms around him.

Yoongi rolled his eyes and cleared his throat, gaining the attention of the two boys. They both looked at him and backed away from eachother.

"Had enough fun, you little shits?" Suga spat. Nanjiin sniggered a bit, while Hoseok and Jimin were trying hard not to put the image they just witnessed into their heads.

V's eyes blinked rapidly. Confusing Jungkook and the others; apart from Yoongi, of course. But as he opened his eyes, they were no longer grey.

"K-Kookie.." Came a small voice. The aforementioned looked at Taehyung and sighed in relief.

"Tae.. I was-"

He was cut off by the boy hugging him tightly. Jin cooed at the sigh, Namjoon took pictures, and Yoongi gagged. Jimin poked his boyfriend on the shoulder, making him turn around, and as he did, he captured his lips with his own.

"Jungkookie.. I love you.." Taehyung claimed. "I.. I love you so much!" He wrapped his arms around his waist tighter.

"Heh.. I love you too.." Jungkook hesitated to put his arms around the holder's neck, but did it anyway.


They both smiled, having all the attention being on them. Hoseok was slightly jealous - he'll admit that, but cheered nonetheless.

From the distance a black figure could be seen. A gun was placed in their fingers, on the trigger.

"Suga and V are -- not what you described, sir.."

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