.•Chapter TwentyThree•.

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I tried to make my places up to be creative. And I'm very sorry for the long wait! ♥


"Well, he's a little."

Hearing those words made Jungkook's eyes widened. Never in his many years of friendship with Yoongi, did he not realize this.

"What the f- duck?!" Seokjin whispered yelled, not wanting the disturb the younger. "Since when was Yoongi a little?" Gazing around at Jimin, who had his head lay low, made him start to question a few things. "No, seriously, it isn't funny. How long has he been..? How has he kept it a secret..? How, did Yoon-"

"Shut up, Seokjin!" Yelled a furious Hoseok. Everybody in the room glared at him in shock. "Just... Now isn't the right time, he just needs time to adjust again, he hasn't been in his littlespace for a while.." He muttered off, looking at his adorable step-brother.

The little was currently glaring around the room in wonder, seeing all the other male's facial expressions made him coo. Not really understanding what any of them were talking about, he shrugged it off and looked at Jimin.

"C-can Y-Y-yoonie be u-uncwuffed..?" His adorable little lisp hissed throughout the room. V's heart simply melted at the cute expression that was lying on his face. Seeing a nod come from Chim, he unlocked the handcuffs and was straight away engulfed into a hug. "T-thank y-you M-Minnie!~"

A short stifle of laughter came from V as he walked out of the room; but not before Jungkook caught his eye on something. Gazing at a knife that was being held by the older, he dashed right after him.

"Drop the fucking knife!" Kook hissed, trying to yank it out of the older's hands. Being pushed against the wall, his eyes were forced shut, a slight gasp escaped his mouth. All as he expected the sharp object to be in contact with his skin..


It never did.

Instead, Jungkook opened his eyes, being revealed to Namjoon and Jimin holding V back. "What the fuck?!" He exclaimed, desperate to get the knife in contact with Kook. "I need to do this!"

Just then, a silent whimper came from the table. All boys turning their heads to the source of the sound, Hoseok's heart melted.

"S-sorry Yoongi baby..." Jimin nervously scratched the back of his head. Glaring at the boy with the knife, he growled. "And put that knife down. You're scaring our poor baby."

A low growl came from his lips and he nodded, dropping the object, he made his way to the bathroom. Yoongles sat there with a cold expression, but whereas his big doe eyes staring bullets in Jungkook's eyes.

"W-what?" Kook stuttered, pacing his eyes back and forth to see if the other boys knew this. "Yoongi, what's wrong?"

The boy simply shrugged and made grabby hands toward the younger. Pouting when Jungkook made no effort to go to him, tears started forming in his wide eyes. Kook began to panic as he faced Jimin and Hoseok, who were too busy chatting away to Jin and Namjoon; so as a result, he lifted the smol boy, allowing his thin legs to wrap around his waist. Yoonie immediately placed his head on the other's chest. Jungkook gazed around with his eyes; only to find V staring daggers right at him.

'Is he jealous I have Yoongles? He's a little, though... He needs attention.' Having thought this; V's eyes turned soft, as he gripped his right arm with his left. 

"T-Taehyung?!" All the boys yelled, seeing how he started shaking, tears threatened to leave his eyes. Jimin gently pulled Yoonie into his soft embrace, as Jungkook ran over to his fr- fuck, his Boyfriend. Pulling his arm, making him face him, he put on a slight smile, before having Taehyung grab his wrist and turning it around. His watch was visible for all of the other Males to see. 

"Remember. The day that I fell in love with you was September 13, 2006. But, only 'reunited' on September 11, 2019. If you waited for two more days, it could have been special. So, as for this day on, I don't even care if you like anyone else apart from me. You could batter your eyes for any girl or boy you would dream of. You will not leave me. You are now mine. As I have now claimed you." Either V or Taehyung spoke with either jealousy or venom laced in his voice. 

Gripping his wrist tighter; he pulled Kook outside, unto the CrossFire Bridge. Pushing him down the steps and into an alleyway. Jungkook wasn't lying if he said he wasn't scared, but he knew for one thing; This wasn't Taehyung.

Pinning the younger to the brick themed wall, the older pushed his right hand above Kook's head and his leg in between the other's thighs. Smirking lightly, he used his left hand to lift Jungkook's face up, by his chin.

"My sweet, Jungkookie. Don't be afraid. Taehyung won't hurt you..." He spoke in a husky deep voice, sending chills down Jungkook's back. 

"T-this is not Taehyung!" The younger argued back. "He wouldn't be possessive like you are. I don't know what you're really trying to do. First, you hated me; then second you like me all of a sudden. I love Taehyung. Not you, so-"

Getting cut off by a slap was the last thing Kook wanted, especially by his boyfriend. V locked his lips onto the youngers. Noticing that he didn't kiss back, he growled lightly and moved his arms around Jungkook's thin waist. Guiding his hands to the younger's ass, he pinched it. Smirking, while sticking his tongue into his mouth. 

As they were both still human, they had to break the kiss. Smirking once again; V whispered into his ear while biting his earlobe.

"Why don't we go and play in your room? Jennie's off on her holiday with Lisa right...? Come play with me, Jungkookie."

"Min Yoongi is his name. He was 12 when he was diagnosed with Schizophrenia, and also ADHD."

"Well, isn't he a problematic child?"

Sweet But Psycho (Vkook/Taekook)Where stories live. Discover now