•°Chapter Nine°•

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The boys were currently up in Jungkook's bedroom, unable to think of a song.

"Guys, where's Yoongi Hyung?" Jungkook asked, looking at the others.

"On your bed, sleeping." Jimin answered, gawking at the sleeping boy. "He's cute though, isn't he?"

We all started at him. His cheeks turned violent red. Hoseok giggled and grabbed paper from the notepad, and wrote 'Yoonmin is real Bitches'.

Taehyung was currently listening to music from the headphones Yoongi had gave him, to calm down after what happened earlier.


"Yah! Excuse me, you boys never paid for the food!"

"But, we did. We gave it to that girl over there." Jimin pointed.

"I dont give a shit, just- Oh hey there, beautiful boy~"

Taehyung's nose scrunched up in disgust. He was tempted to knock the guy off his feet, but he knew better.

"How about you pay for your bill by letting have fun, with your friend there." He chuckled.

"He's not an object, leave him be, dumbfuck." Yoongi spat.

The man walked up to Taehyung and grabbed his arm. He pulled him into a kiss.

Taehyung stood there, desperately trying to get out of his grip. The others tried to pull him away, too, but he was so strong.

Eventually the man pulled away, and looked at the poor boy, that fell on his knees.

Jungkook looked at his eyes, and immediately turned pale. Yoongi saw him look at the other and panicked.

"I think you should leave.." He warned, looking at Taehyung. "Or actually stay, neither of us gives a fuck..
Unless, you want to be killed.."

Jimin and Hoseok looked at Yoongi and remembered what he told them, he had a Personality Disorder.

Suddenly, Taehyung started laughing. His right hand covering his left eye.

"Awe, he stopped talking.. That's a shame.. Too bad that I wanted to have fun to." He shook his head.

His hand came from his eye, revealing the ash-themed coloured eyes returned, just like last time. It was the first time Jimin and Hoseok had witnessed it.

V grabbed the man by his arm and dragged him into an ally, leaving the others standing there in shock.

"Soo, is this what happens when-"

V began laughing manically, all they could hear was the shouts and screams from the man.

He came back, after a good 19 minutes, with blood everywhere. But, he was crying too.

Yoongi and the others dashed over to him and engulfed him in a hug.

Jungkook felt bad, and removed the other hands that were on Tahyung. He pulled him into a tight embrace. It took a while but he placed his hands on his waist.


"I got it!" Jimin yelled, breaking the silence. "Why don't we create a song about love and emotion, Namjoon loves that sort of stuff."

"Because he and Jin fuck every night." Came a groggy voice, from the bed. "Thanks for waking me up, Jim."

As usual, he blushed. He looked around and we all nodded for the idea.

"Hang on, when's the talent show?" Hobi asked.

"It's next week." Yoongi answered. He got up from the bed and sat up, criss-crossed. "Why?"

"Because this has been bothering me. We know that Taehyung can't really talk but V can. So, why did you both sign up?" He explained, carefully so the elder wouldn't be mad.

"Well, basically. I was going to rap, and he'll dance."

Jimin shook his head and tried to write lyrics. Namjoon wanted the boys to make a song, so Jimin thought of a Love one.

Taehyung stopped and stared at the table. He did something that reminded Jungkook of what happened the first day.

He bit into his hand, gripping into the table in pain. He kept chanting 'End it.' Over and over again.

He banged the table with the free hand and began gripping his hair. Jungkook and Jimin caught the action.

Yoongi dashed over to him, and grabbed his hand; pulling it away.

"Tae, may I remind you that you're not alone anymore. You have us, to help you." He assured the said boy.

He turned around and engulfed Yoongi in a big hug, resting his head in the crook of the elders neck.

Jungkook was kinda jealous. He didn't like it. Not one bit. He fake coughed to get their attention and pointed at Tae to come to him. Of course, he complied, crawling straight to Kook.

He pulled Taehyung on his lap, hugging his waist. The others were looking at him, in shock.

"Yah! Why can't you ever hug me, like that, Yoongi?" Jimin whined, hitting the other boys' arm.

"Because you always complain."

Sweet But Psycho (Vkook/Taekook)Where stories live. Discover now