.•Chapter Two•.

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Jimin kept tapping his pen onto the desk, leaving Jungkook to get irritated. Of course, it's Jimin, his best friend, but they were waiting for someone else.

Jungkook couldn't help but stare at the perfect figure. He heard distant giggles, coming from some girls, glancing at their way.

'What weirdos..' He thought, looking back at Jimin who repeated tapping his pen.

"Yah! Where were you?" He yelled, right in Jungkook's ear. He flinched a little. "Hoseok, sit here. Now." He patted his hand down on the seat, signaling the other to sit there. Once he sat down, Jimin started up a conversation.

"So, are you boys excited about being Juniors?" He chuckled. Hoseok nodded furiously, leaving Jungkook to laugh a little.

"Can I tell you guys something?" Hoseok asked. They both nodded. "Well, my stepbrother said that his friend is transferring here." They moved closer to listen in more.

Jimin got quite confused. "Isn't that great? I mean at least he has a friend now." He stated. Jungkook bursted out of laughter, making Jimin do the same.

"It's not funny!" Getting some attention. "His friend got expelled from 3 different schools in only 1 month." He folded his arms.

Jungkook opened his mouth to an 'o' shape. "Did he mention his name?"

"Said something like Tae.. Or whatever, but it had 'hyung' at the end of it." He exclaimed, before shutting his mouth. The other two were a little confused until they turned around.

Yoongi walked through the door with his hands in his pockets, looking at everyone in the room. He walked over to us and said.

"Jin said he's picking you up, Jungkook."

He got excited over seeing his friend, that acted quite like his step-mom. 'A mother who would never leave his side' he always thought. Also, he had a step-father, who was married to Jin. Kim Namjoon. 'A father who always broke stuff and is such a massive crackhead'

Yoongi walked off and leaned on the wall, playing on his phone. The guy from earlier walked over to him and they started using sign language, making him a little scared and confused. 'Please don't tell me that's his friend.' He wondered, acting a bit worried about Yoongi's safety.

"Jungkook, I think we should start heading to class now, it's 8:57, can we leave?" Jimin asked, gaining his attention. He checked his phone, letting the light screen hit his face. He looked up and nodded, gathering his stuff together. They began walking off, Hoseok following. They were walking three by three. "Hoseok, who's this person anyway?" He asked, looking a bit disgusted.

"Well, he's his friend, so y'know." He giggled, winding Jimin up even more. He got so mad and folded his arms while still walking. "What, are you jealous, or something?" He rose his eyebrow at the corner of his mouth twitches.

Jimin stopped walking and got out a folded newspaper and began hitting it against his hand. Hoseok took this as his chance to run away. "Yah! Get back here, you horse!" He yelled, chasing him through the corridors. Jungkook chuckled at his friends until someone bumped into him, almost knocking him over.

"Ah, I'm so-" He cut himself off after seeing the person. 'No way. Him again?!' He bursted out from the coincidental meetings, in one day! His mind was getting so pissed off by seeing him. "..Sorry"

The boy nodded and picked up some of his books, Jungkook helped him as he is a nice person, after all. After the boy had all his belongings he mumbled something, something that Jungkook couldn't understand. Instead, he waved his hand. He looked but still didn't say anything. He walked off, leaving Jungkook both confused and even more pissed.

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