.•Chapter ThirtyFour•.

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Taehyung creeped downstairs to where his dad laid on the sofa. He didn't understand his father at all. He knew for a fact that the man would never lounge around. He was always busy doing work.

He hid behind the staircase, hoping he would find a reason why his father was acting so strange. But... nothing.

Hyun-Jalmos was always a keep to himself kind of man. Never sharing his secrets to his wife, or his family. Not forgetting about his own son.

He didn't envision Taehyung to be the son that he had once dreamed of. Jalmos wanted a tough, strong man to take over his company. But now that opportunity was thrown out the window.

Tae rubbed his eyes out of exhaustion and began slowly making his way up the stairs... until-

Ring... Ring... Ring...

That was enough to wake up the small boy. He slowly peaked once again around the corner and watched his dad pick up the expensive phone.


"Oh! Dohyun, what a surprise to hear from you." Jalmos' sarcastic was present, lips tugging up to smile a tiny bit.

"How's little Yoongi doing?"

With the mention of his friend's name, Taehyung smiles brightly- hoping there might be another play date.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm just waiting to drop him off at the nearest port. I could get millions for him."

The boy was confused, who was his father talking about? He slowly pulled out his old iPhone- which was cracked, and began recording the conversation that Jalmos was having with Yoongi's dad.

"Yoongi's Schizophrenia seems like a trouble.. how do you deal with that and ADHD at the same time?"

Tae began feeling a pit of disgust arise inside of his stomach. He didn't like the way Jalmos talked about his friend.

"How about we sell him too? We both could make a fortune out of that."

Taehyung's eyes widened. They wanted to sell his best friend? For what? Money? He felt anger, disgrace, betrayal.. many emotions clashing together. He was about to end the recording when the last words that came from his father made his fists shake.

"My son, Taehyungie will be worth over two million! Add Yoongi and we could finally beat that 'Song Family'!"

The young boy's emotions stopped altogether, leaving only anger in control. He had know idea how he felt. He wanted to hurt his father.. but didn't. He wanted to tell his mother.. but didn't.

In the end, he stopped the recording and dashed upstairs to his room- where he slammed the door shut.

Taehyung immediately called his bestfriend, tears pricking his eyes.

'Come on, Yoongi...'


"H-hello...?" Yoongi's rough voice was heard, sounding like he had just got out of bed— which wouldn't be a surprise.

"Yoonie! Thank God, we have to get out of here!" Taehyung panicked, years falling from his eyes and onto his lap, where his shaking fist resided.

"Huh... Why... Taehyungie, w-what's going on...?" The older asked, confusion evidently visible from the tone of his voice.

"My dad wants to sell me and you for money! It's not safe here, anymore. Please Hyung come save me!" Tae couldn't handle it, all of a sudden, he began to bawl out, loudly. Not caring if Jalmos heard.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2020 ⏰

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