.•Chapter Twentysix•.

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"Hyung! Jungkook called me a dwarf midget!"

"Yah! Jimin Hyung is lying!"

"No, the dickhe-"

"Both of you, shut the fuck up, before I do it myself," Seokjin threatened, towering down the two young boys, scowling with frustration. "You both need to stop arguing and make amends. Even if you both say you're friends, ask Yoongi and Taehyung, they both had enough of your pathetic pettiness!"

The two Busan Boys had their heads laid low. Of course, they felt bad, but they thought their arguing was useless banter, not realising it was hurting and affecting the boys and people around them.

"I-I'm sorry H-Hyung..." Jungkook muttered, tears forming at his chocolate-themed eyes.

Jimin's posture changed, spreading his arms for a welcoming hug, which the younger accepted - with hesitation. "I'm sorry too, Jungkook. It's my fault for starting most of the arguments."

With the boys making up their differences, they didn't notice a weird presence, - watching them at the back of the house, glaring at the males, before descending back into the darkness.


"So, class. What's the square root of 2?" Namjoon asked, keeping his stern tone as his teacher façade. "If nobody answers, I'm gonna pick on people. Simple pimple." The boy folded his arms, as he teased his class. Hearing the grunts bad groans, he goes to pick on Taehyung, but the porcelain-like male next to him glared him down. "Hoseok, why don't you answer?"

The aforementioned looked dumbfounded, then suddenly his eyes widened with shock as he tried to figure out the answer - or an excuse.

"It's um... four! I think.. That's what my mum told me... Or maybe it was my dad?" Hobi scratched his head, before jumping up. "The answer is 4, I know this because you told me the other day."

The students in the classroom all went silent. Some laughing, giggling, others being confused, or some just ignoring what the 'annoying' boy was talking about.

Taehyung tugged on Yoongi's sleeve a little and bit his lip. The older reacted with a nod and raised his hand. "Dude, can I take Tae to the Nurse's office? I forgot to get his pills, this morning and he needs to take them."

Namjoon snorted, but allowed them to leave, not forgetting to glance at a young boy, eyes furrowing with confusion. His eyes wandered over to the other two boys surrounding him.

"Jimin, Hoseok and Jungkook. I forgot that Mrs Choi needed to speak with you, in the office." Emphasising the word 'office'.

Hobi was the first to realise what he meant and quickly pulled the two males behind him by their hands. Walking down the corridor, they went up the designated Nurse's office.

"Hey," Jimin whispered. "Maybe we should be quiet? I thought we were going to spy on them?"

Jungkook nodded and slowly, but carefully slid the door to the left, allowing access to the room. The boys looked around the room, however - no sign of Miss. Park. (The Nurse), insight.

They were about to leave the room, until —

A deep, quiet moan swum past their ears. Jungkook, being the first one alarmed, marched over to the curtain, and was about to pull it-

"M-master... Keep g-going~"

Kook's eyes widened, yanking the curtain to the right.......


Jimin and Hoseok rushed behind him, jaw dropped, eyes watering. Yes, they knew about their lover and Taehyung years ago, but they both reassured that nothing would be done to the two males.

Sweet But Psycho (Vkook/Taekook)Where stories live. Discover now