.•Chapter TwentyOne•.

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Jungkook's eyes widened. He didn't expect to hear something so surprising. The Doctor's legs gave up and let him slide down onto the marble themed floor.

Taehyung backed away and ended up bumping into the brick wall. Seeing Kook look at him in horror, but soon, his eyes became soft.

"I-I know it's not your fault. V's done this to you, which you don't deserve." Jungkook rambled while pulling on his hair. "But why the hell would Yoongi put himself in this type of danger? I know he has Schizophrenia, but.."

Tae suddenly grabbed his hand, reassuring the younger that it will be okay. He took Kook's phone from his pocket and began to write something on the notes.

"I don't want to be a criminal anymore. Everyone fears me. And I had nothing to do with it.."


"Yoongi, stay still!"

A young man yelled. Begging for the pale Male to sit quietly and still, but, he, for once in his life, didn't want to sit still.

"I need to this, if I don't, you'll get worse-"

"I don't give a shit!" Suga retaliated. "I wanna go see Tae and make sure he's okay.."

The whole room went quiet. Nobody dared to speak up. Jimin, fidgeting with his hands, unable to speak, the older pushing the doctors' hands away, and Hoseok currently arguing with Namjoon about something random.

Seokjin sighed and was about to open the door to Taehyung's room when suddenly, a gunshot was heard from outside the building.

Everyone froze, once again. Yoongi stood up and banged Tae's door violently until Jungkook opened it ajar.

"W-what..?" He stuttered, Jimin raising an eyebrow, and watch as Taehyung swaddled out, clutching to Kook's arm.

"There was a fucking gunshot, in case you didn't hear it!" Namjoon panicked. Jungkook looked frightened.

Taeh- TaeTae's eyes widened and gripped onto the older's arm more in fear.

"I-It won't hurt TaeTae, right? TaeTae hasn't done anything wrong." The boy frowned, not really understanding the situation.

Jimin gave up and ran down the stairs for the door. Yoongi and Hoseok panicked and followed the small boy. Jin and Namjoon shrugged and ran along with them.

"Kookie?" He hummed. "Are we going to follow them?" He shrugged.

"Sure, I guess."

And with that, Jungkook picked TaeTae up on his back and ran as fast as he could with his Hyungs.

A gunshot flew right past Jimin, almost hitting Hoseok. Yoongi flew out his shotgun and aimed for the tree, where the bullet came from. A sharp cry was heard, and a man fully clothed in black emerged from the woods, hand covering his arm.

"Who the fuck are you?!" Seokjin yelled, holding Namjoon's hand in fear.

The man shook his head and let his hat fall on his face, covering his face. "You don't need to know."

And with that, he dashed straight off, heading to God's knows where, but Suga wasn't letting his getaway. Jimin and Hoseok struggled to hold him back but failed. TaeTae and Jungkook, or just Jungkook, pushed his lover beside Jimin and chased after Yoongi.

He managed to catch up to the older and yanked on his hand, pulling the small boy close to Kook. The man in black continued to run off until he was out in the clear.

Yoongi looked straight at the other boy and hit his chest.

"Why the fuck did you stop me? We could have figured out who he was, you dumbfuck!" Suga yelled, pulling Jungkook's hair.

"Hyung, calm down-"

"No, I'm not-"

TaeTae ran behind Kook and back-hugged him, tears running down his cheeks.

"C-can you stop shouting..? TaeTae's ears hurt." The younger pouted, while Jungkook was trying hard not to coo. He pulled away from Suga and hugged the other back.

Jimin and Hoseok walked behind Yoongi and tried their best to calm him down. Nothing worked until Jimin had an idea. He smirked, and held the older's shoulders, watching the other being confused, he whispered in his ear...

"If you calm down, I'll let you do whatever you want to me..~"


After the events that had taken place, the boys all agreed to go home. And by home, I mean, Taehyung decided to go to Jungkook's house.

"Baby, it doesn't make sense, though! Veronica cheated on Arc- Oh hello, dear Jungkookie." Jennie beamed, holding Lisa's hand.

"Hey, Jen. I hope you don't mind, Tae's staying over for the night." He looked as Jennie smiled and shrugged.

Lisa gazed at Tae and backed away slightly. "Is he the one who robbed a bank?"

The aforementioned nodded slowly, and hid his face in Jungkook's neck, straddling his lap.

Jen dragged Lisa back upstairs and yelled. "Use protection you sons of Bitches!"

Taehyung blushed a lot and kept his face hidden, whilst Jungkook chuckled a little and pulled on the older's shoulders, so the boy would look at him.

"You're so adorable," Kook confessed. "You're perfect in every way, and this is why I like you."

Jungkook brought his lips to Tae's allowing them to mold perfectly together.

The older hesitated, before moving his lips along with the younger's. Taehyung's slender longs fingers running at the back of Jungkook's hair, whilst the other has his arms around the boy's waist.

'He's got such a tiny figure, I hope he's eating, he looks thinner than before..'

He picked up the smaller boy and took him to his bedroom.

⚠️ warning ⚠️

I deleted the scene, I'm sorry, but I wasn't comfortable with it, and it didn't quite fit with the story, thank you :)

⚠️ oof ⚠️

The boys were sitting back on Jungkook's bed, well, Taehyung sitting on Kook's lap, watching movies from his laptop.

A phone began ringing, looking at Tae, he picked it up, gazing at the contact, he thought that it couldn't be good.


"Jungkook, you have to come over now, Yoongi trying to kill Namjoon!"

"What, why?"

"He said something about his family, that upset him, and triggered his Schizophrenia."

"Shit, me and Tae will be over now." Jungkook hung up, and looked over to his baby about to fall asleep.

"What did I do to ever deserve a beautiful kitten like you?" Kookie confessed once again, gently brushing his soft fluffy hair with his hands.

"I-I d-d-on't k-know.."

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