26: stupid arrogant hybrid

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Aurelia's POV:

I could only use one suitcase. I couldn't carry anymore, Elias would insist on me carrying nothing while he ordered his minions around to carry my luggage. I argued that I should at least carry my stuff so I figured maybe cramming a week's worth of my clothes and necessities will help. Since Belize is far far away and we're traveling by plane, I wanted to be well prepared for the trip.

Elias countered that I bring everything I needed because we could not turn around and I had no choice but to go. I was in the wedding, after all. In the end, we both got what we want and I had to end up packing a second bag to hold my necessities.

Our flight didn't leave until we arrived, Whatever that meant but Evelyn was keen on helping me pack since six thirty, folding every shirt and pairs of pants I owned. She insisted I packed a few dresses which I argued on not wearing but Evelyn was a stubborn woman. "You're too beautiful to cover up your body," she said.

Evelyn made sure my bags were neatly packed and I didn't forget pads, my toothbrush, floss, deodorant for a few days, I rolled out of bed, put on my Belize outfit (cotton shorts, a tank top, and a black cardigan in case the plane was cold).

My stomach was fluttering with butterflies. It felt wrong to almost leave Evelyn in the house alone, I loved her company and I wished she was coming with us. Not just for her to be beside me but because of traveling on a plane with Elias alone was a scary feeling.

"Why am I so nervous?" I asked, rubbing my arms nervously.

"Aurelia, put on your shoes." Evelyn hands me a pair of sneakers.

"It's going to be weird leaving you. This place. I'm scared you're gonna need help when we're gone." I worried. She furrowed her brows, tsking at me.

"Darling, you have nothing to worry about. I'll be fine. You deserve to get out of this house and explore the world, Aurelia."

"Maybe I don't want to leave this house and explore the world," I frowned. "Not if it means leaving you behind."

"You have to stop worrying about me," Evelyn says, "Belize is a beautiful place. I want you to explore it and see it. When you get back, I'll be here and you can tell me all about it." She smiles and I instantly felt a little persuaded.

"Alright," I breathed, "fine."

After we finished getting my bags, Evelyn grabbed the other and walked with me down the stairs. Of course, I started to get nervous, and she kissed me on the cheek with her warm lips. She pressed her face against my neck as she embarrassed me and whispered, "Goodbye Aurelia. I'll see you in a few days."

"Bye Evelyn."

I turned and walked out of the door, feeling hesitant to leave the elderly woman behind me. We only had such a short weekend to spend time together and I had to leave this time. Elias stood by the car patiently waiting on me looking comfortable in a navy button down and dark jeans that accentuated his dark skin and tousled hair. His silver eyes turned, looking at me and I blushed under his gaze, walking to him.

"Ready?" His deep voice made me shiver.

"Ready," I breathed. Elias reached for the suitcase from my hands and I snatched it from his grasp, glaring at him.

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