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people underestimated jeongin and his abilities. it was quite silly to how they could not see through his sweet chocolate orbs, they could not tell what he was in the inside.

jeongin giggles, it's three a.m and there are hours before school starts. but all there is on his mind is chan.

chan, chan, chan.

"channie~" he giggles to himself, "minho hyung calls you that, why would you allow him to call you that? allow him to touch you.." a pout then forms on his face, the look in his eyes darken and he grabs one of his plushies.

"although I know little about minho hyung, students always said he was a cat person." jeongin says to the cat plushie, rubbing his thumb across the soft material. "die." without hesitation, he's able to rip off it's head.

throwing it aside, he crosses his arms. it's silent in his room for a bit. he sits on his bed, letting his legs bend to where his knees hit his chest. he grabs a fistful of hair with both hands. a little chuckle escapes his mouth, but it turns into a siren of giggles flowing non-stop. "oh my god I'll kill him!" he says with a bright smile, "who does he think he is!"

jeongin laughs, not giving a care in the world. his eyes widen slowly, looking outside his window. all he can do is smirk, "channie, you're all mine."


the morning of, jeongin arrives at school a bit drowsy. sure, he was up at three a.m having overflowing thoughts of the bang chan, but was it worth it? yep.

so he tries to get through as many classes, once third period hits. his body gives up and thankfully his teacher allows him to leave to go to the nurse's office. slowly walking there, he sits in one of the beds. there the nurse takes his temperature, gives him a bit of medicine and tells him to get some rest. later on, the nurse leaves. jeongin who's eyes are giving up on him, he hears the door open. shooting up, there is the familiar boy from the study room.

jeongin smiles, "oh hey minho hyung."

"oh jeongin, why are you here?"

jeongin shrugs, "I didn't get much sleep, the drowsiness was getting to me to where I couldn't focus in class."

"I see, but where's the nurse?" minho questions, "I was outside for dance today and fell. I scraped my knee but our teacher didn't have any bandaids."

jeongin giggles, it's of course fake. "hyung needs a bandaid for his boo boo?"

minho snorts from his comment, "maybe I do, but maybe I should just wait or—oh wait. I see them on the table." he then walks over to grab one from a little container, "don't want this bad boy to get infected or something."

"did you wash it?"

minho nods from his question, "sadly yes, it burned but we got to stay tough you know?"

"of course, nothing can kill you. am I right?" jeongin then tilts his head, waiting for a response.

"yeah! you can say that." minho responds with a bright smile, after done applying the bandaid he gives a little thumbs up. "I'm all fixed now. got to get back to dance so maybe I'll see you around jeongin, bye!"

jeongin waves, watching the boy run out of the nurses office. he grips onto the sheets of the bed. "nothing will kill you huh? we will see about that."

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