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days of sending felix jeongin's number, it had been quite eventful. a.k.a, chan had to announce to the whole school that his baby boy had just got his braces removed. there were tears from the older and of course jeongin whining from embarassment. yet minho let the couple be, all he wanted was a text or even a call from felix. the boy hadn't gone to school in those past 'eventful' days, so he was somewhat getting worried. what was the aussie boy up to? he had a lot of questions to ask.

walking to the library to study by himself, minho has headphones on, blasting some music while he hums. when he reaches the library's building, he is in front of the door. extending his hand over to open the door, music no longer fills his eardrums. yet a call from a certain someone. suprisingly and reluctantly, felix.

entering the library before answering the call, he goes into a private room and taps the green little bottom. saying a small hesistant, 'hello' at first. he hears felix's deep voice respond in a flash, it somewhat sent shivers down his body.

'he did it.' is what minho hears from over the phone, the older boy gives a confused expression when hearing his words. so he responds, "what? is this about jeongin?"

'he did it.' his words are more harsher this time, minho has to lower his volume. 'he kiilled him.'

"felix talk to me, can you explain everything? what's going on?, you need to tell me okay?" minho replies back, but he can hear a little laugh in the background. "felix what's going on? are you alright? do you want me to leave school so I can go check on you?"

there is silence within their conversation, minho gulps, impatiently waiting for a response from the younger. minho who takes deep breathes can not wait no more, standing up. he decides he wants to rush towards felix's place before the boy does anything stupid. but yet, once he's about to leave. he hears a soft response.

minho's eyes widen as he hears his words.

'hyung, I'm going insane.' a chilling laugh is heard from the phone, 'but it's okay, sungie won't see anything. he deserves it.'

the call ends. minho is left frozen in time, while lee felix had horrifying plans up his sleeve.

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