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the next morning before first period starts, felix sends a text to jeongin. waiting for the bell to ring, he specifically waits for the late bell. once he hears the second ring, he pulls out his phone and sends a message.

baby boy, it's me chan.
sorry I didn't send a text last

channie !! I was gonna
ask you about it earlier
but it's okie

baby meet me near the
four hundred wing during
lunch okay? I need to do
something for a bit so I'll meet
you there

okie channie!!! I love
you lots and I'll see you later <3

love you too baby ❤️

felix who turns off his phone gags from disgust. he didn't understand how jeongin bought his text so easily. he was a psycho but quite the dumb one. opening his bag, he spots the weapon at the bottom. smiling, he shakes his head. "god, what a dumbass brat."

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