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as felix walks towards jisung's place, he arrives at his front door. the dry lump that has formed in his throat is slowly swallowed, raising his fist up. he knocks.

seconds later, the door opens. jisung's parents, mr. and mrs. han, their living room's light is gloomy and their faces slowly light up as they see felix. "felix, hows it going?"

"not well really..but I was wondering if I can take jisung's phone for a bit. I wanted to transfer our memories onto my computer."

"of course. I'll go grab it for you." jisung's father told, felix watches as he runs up the stairs and he's confronted by mrs. han. he smiles as genuinely as possible.

"how are you doing felix?"

"I should be asking you that, he is your son." felix tells back, she smiles by the young boy's words.

"but you are his best friend." she replies, "if you need anything you can always stop by. jisung would want you over if you needed something."

felix nods, "thanks mom." (okay this might sound weird,, but you know how some best friends call each other's parents mom and dad because they're that close,, this applies to felix)

"of course sweetie." she says back, mr. han comes back with jisung's phone and hands it to felix.

"I promise to return it once I'm done." felix promises, the two adults nod and say their goodbyes to the boy. once the door shuts, felix walks off slowly. not turning back to the place.

he wouldn't lie, he would've broken down right there. he couldn't take the pain, it was so overwhelming to where's he'd burst into tears or scream with anger. he was unstable and he knew it. yet, he wanted to stay strong. just for jisung.

he'd do anything for him.

walking pass a couple houses and turning a corner he arrives home. using his keys to open the door, he doesn't even greet his family. instead, he runs up the stairs and locks himself in his room.

turning on jisung's cell phone, it was charged fully, his background was felix and him. they had matching backgrounds in fact, one day at the ice cream shop they took pictures of each other and set them as their wallpapers. which felix was totally into. their passwords were also each other's names. so as felix types in 'leefelix' before entering his phone, he gets in.

he goes straight for the photo album. the last picture jisung had saved was a random reaction meme. which they'd usually send to each other when they were bored. yet now, felix was the only one sending messages towards jisung.

feeling his own blood boil, felix digs his nails into his skin. biting his lip, he decides to move to jisung's messages. felix who sees his name at the top, jisung had quite the amount of text messages still unread. as felix taps on his name, he feels his heart drop. he wished he wasn't the one reading them, but jisung.

pulling out his own phone, he checks the number that might match with jeongin's. jisung wasn't much of an organizer so he knew it would take him a couple minutes or so.

but yet,

it didn't.

felix looks at jeongin's phone number and back to a somewhat recent one. it seemed as if jisung didn't answer it. since it was still waiting there to be opened. it states, 'chance given.' which the australian boy didn't understand.

the numbers matched exactly. and it was somewhat scary, who was jeongin anyways? jisung never talked about him but who was this boy who came into jisung's life?

felix couldn't keep his composure no more. he needed answers and he'd get them the easy way or the hard way.

gritting his teeth, he grabs the nearest item and throws it. yelling a bit too loudly, his breathing becomes long and harsh. gripping onto his own hair, he screams.


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