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as felix arrives home, a pout stays on his face. not hearing anything from his best friend most of the day, he was worried sick about him. running up the stairs, sore from the day. he opens his bedroom door and throws his stuff near his desk. hopping onto his bed, he takes his phone out from his jean's pocket. opening his messages, he still hadn't heard anything from jisung.

texting him for the hundredth time, he pleads for a response. wanting to know what was wrong. minho was getting out of hand, this boy talk was already too much and he knew how jisung was. how sensitive he was when it came to feelings, how vulnerable he was to people's words and opinions. he would always be by his best friend's side no matter what. no matter who he loved, even if it wasn't him.

because felix loved jisung, more than a friend. but in the way of wanting to shower him in love and spoil him with everything minho couldn't. yet in the end, lee felix knew he would choose the other lee.

"jisung.." felix's voice calls, wanting to see a sign. but, he receives nothing.

sending another text, he waits. he didn't care if he was acting desperate. who wouldn't act insane when it came to your best friend? lee felix didn't care about what anyone said. checking the time, it was almost four. sighing, he decides to take a nap and wait to see if jisung responds.

getting comfy, he crosses his fingers to see a text from jisung.

little did he know, he'd get one. but one he wouldn't expect.

about two hours later the aussie boy wakes up, his body was heavy. lifting himself from his bed, his bedroom was no longer beaming with light yet an abyss of darkness. feeling around for his phone, the device's light blinds him. checking his notifications, he finds one that says, 'jisung <3'. jumping from his bed, he does a little happy dance. walking over to find his light switch, he flips it on and runs back to his bed. smiling from the notification.

opening it, jisung first greets felix with a 'hey'. which seemed expected. but as felix scrolls down a bit more, he's hit with a paragraph. a long one. not understanding why, he reads the whole thing. at first, it was calm. explaining why he wasn't answering in the first place. jisung was stating things, such as, 'I'm tired' or 'I'm sick'. felix thought he literally meant those things, not worrying if his meanings were under the surface.

until it got close to the end. jisung started emphasizing those words. adding more explanations. jisung states, 'I'm tired, I can't do this anymore'. to, 'I'm sick, I'm sick of feeling this way and for some reason I can't get rid of it.'

and felix is finally hit with, 'I'm sorry, don't worry none of this is your fault. he made me feel this way, he did.'

felix wonders if 'he' was 'lee minho'. yet, it didn't sound like the boy that he was describing. because minho had been out of the picture for quite a while.

'do not cry. you'll always be in my heart felix.' is a sentence close to the end, felix feels his own hands shaking. his eyes watering, 'but I have to say, I'm going to be gone for a while..most likely forever.'

felix screams a harsh, "what!" towards his phone. reading the last bits, he drops his phone. done with the paragraph his best friend had sent.

'felix, I'm sorry. but it won't be felix and jisung anymore. just felix, I'll be watching over you. okay, mate? <3. from, your best friend han jisung.'

checking the time it was sent, jisung had sent his message an hour or more ago. screaming, he runs out of his room and zooms down the staircase. rushing out without a word, he runs towards jisung's place which is not too far from his. praying that he was safe, he doesn't know what to do when he sees flashing lights near his street. a group a people mobbing jisung's home, he even spots jisung's parents outside. talking to authorities.

he doesn't know what to do, when he sees someone covering a body and handling it into the ambulance.

he then hears familiar voices, yet doesn't try to respond. his vision was blurry, head hazy. trying to stand, he collapses.

because today, was the day lee felix's world fell apart.

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