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"now, now. how much do you like this guy?" jeongin slowly moves closer to jisung, he snakes his arms around the older's neck and pulls him forward him. "tell me."

"a—a lot."

"what would you do for him to be yours?" jeongin whispers, "anything?"

jisung gulps, "define anything...there has to be boundaries.. am I right?"

"now jisungie. when it comes to love there are no boundaries." jeongin states, his hands move up and towards into the boy's fluffy hair. he plays with it gently, "if you love him, you have to make him yours. besides, you wouldn't want anyone stealing him would you?"

"n—no..I really don't. but I can't stop that."

"yes you can."

jisung looks at him with wide eyes, "how do you know that.."

"you're suppose to listen, not question." jeongin firmly states, jisung bites his tongue. "you want him to become yours? make him yours. or else I'm betting whoever he wants right now will have him. and you won't have a happy ending, I'll ensure it."

jeongin then pushes jisung slightly. "now, why don't you go find him? I bet you have some words you need to say to him."

jisung's palms start to sweat, he shakes his head. "I—I can't. h—he'll reject me.."

"reject his rejection, no isn't an answer. because when it comes to loving someone, there is no boundaries. do what you have to do, to make him yours." jeongin then puts a hand on jisung's shoulder, "or else he'll be gone. you'll be least expecting it."

jisung watches as jeongin walks away. jisung who clenches his fist grabs a fistful of hair and tugs it slightly. "you're an idiot, just confess already.."

jisung who hits the row of lockers groans. "reject his rejection?" looking back jeongin is gone, "he's crazy..."

as jisung bites his lip out of anticipation, how could he believe a boy he just met? was he that gullible?

or even desperate.

listening to the boy seemed quite sketch, so instead he keeps to himself for now. "minho, I don't know what I'm gonna do with you..."

he'll be gone. is what replays in jisung's mind, shuddering from the words he clutches onto himself. "I really can't do this, if I can't confess then I can't confess. I can't force myself to..that seems like the right way to go..."

jisung then gulps, taking a few steps all he can do is picture jeongin's face in his head. "yeah..right it's the right choice..I hope.."

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