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"CHAN!" jeongin screams, felix throws the boy down with full force. jeongin's head hitting the tile floor, he yelps. "C—CHAN!"

"shut up." felix's voice is lifeless, "you deserve this."

jeongin feels weight brought on top of him, felix who straddles on the boy and pins him down. jeongin wiggles his feet trying to get out. he screams, trying to see if anyone will hear him. yet, his mouth is covered by felix's hand. "if you're quiet it'll be less painful."

felix takes his knife out, jeongin's eyes widening from the sight. he shakes his head, but felix doesn't listen. "you deserve the consequences."

jeongin bites the boy's hand. felix who releases for a minute, the younger speaks. "y—your best friend! I told him he could take whatever path he wanted! if he decided to kill himself, then that's not on me!"

"YOU'RE WRONG!" felix denies. jeongin who was sleeveless felt the blade run along his arm. his porcelain skin being cut open, he screams. tears running down from his face. "you put him through so much! I don't even know what you did to him! I thought he was okay!"

jeongin who faces the pain, feels his legs stop. hiccuping, he screams once more. "CHAN!"

"stop fucking yelling!" felix aims for his other arm, slicing his skin open as if he was painting on a fresh canvas. seeing the red trickle down, all he does is smile. "sungie would be so proud."

as jeongin, cries. down a hall or more, chan is running towards the four hundred wing with full speed. he was with minho and woojin, the two had trailed behind the boy not sure what they would witness. but they sure could hear jeongin's screams.

minho was completely terrified. he literally would have shit his pants right there once he heard the first call. but he keeps his composure just like woojin. chan's heart is racing, not understanding anything at the moment. turning a corner, he hits the rows of lockers for him to stop. seeing the plague that showcases that they're in the four hundred wing, the hallway seemed empty. until his eyes trailed to the bloody scene.

minho covers his mouth, feeling his stomach twisting. woojin's eyes widen, jeongin who is screaming and fighting the boy on top of him. he watches the blood drip from his arms.

"CHANNIE!" jeongin cries, looking at the boy.

chan who's about to interrupt the scene, the three older boys are shocked by who was hurting the younger. "f—felix.." minho harshly says, "what are you doing!? is this why you haven't been telling me anything!"

"minho what the hell is going on!" chan shouts towards the brunette, "jeongin baby please—"

"he deserves this." felix softly says, "don't try and change my mind."

"felix please!" chan shouts, "what the hell are you doing!" he slowly walks towards him, jeongin stays still, whimpering from the pain, "just put down the knife, and we'll figure this out together."

"he did it." felix whispers, "your boyfriend made my best friend kill himself..."

"felix I know you're in pain, but please don't blame another for someone else's actions."

minho gulps, "it's true though!"

woojin looks towards the boy, "minho what the hell are you hiding?"

"enough with this stupid talk I'm literally suffering!" jeongin screams, he's then faced with another cut by felix. "chan!"

"FELIX!" chan screams, "you don't need to do this!"

"he's the reason why I lost someone I loved."

jeongin shakes his head, "channie please! please it hurts!"

chan looks at the boy with soft eyes, felix who recognizes the stare. he smiles. felix's head falls down, he looks at jeongin with dead eyes. "you love your boyfriend so much huh?"

jeongin smiles, yet it's different this time. there was no innocence, no cute aura. "I'd fucking kill for him you bitch."

chan's eyes widen by the younger's words. felix who lifts up the boy's shirt cuts his stomach as well. "just needed a bit more detail you know?" he then stands, watching jeongin fidget in pain. he swings his knife around, walking towards chan. "we can talk this out right?"

chan gulps, "yeah, just put the knife down and—"

"hey jeongin." as felix calls the boy, jeongin who's struggling to pull himself up. woojin and minho try to get towards the younger. "you love channie so much huh?"

"didn't I just say that!"

felix who stuffs the stained knife back into his pocket, he smiles towards chan. "your boyfriend is no where near innocent." he whispers softly, before snaking his hands around chan's neck. he looks at jeongin, dead in the eye and smirks.

he kisses chan. ensuring it was sloppy and warm, jeongin's eyes pop. blood boiling, he screams. not taking this anymore.

"your boyfriend's kisses are sweet." felix whispers, "too bad you won't be able to kiss him anymore."

chan who's frozen doesn't understand his words, his last breath is taken away. once he feels something stab his chest. "goodnight channie." felix whispers, as chan falls onto the ground.

"you—" jeongin shakes his head, his hands gripping onto his hair. "FUCKING STABBED HIM! IF HE'S DEAD I'LL KILL YOU AND I'LL MAKE SURE YOU SUFFER JUST LIKE THAT SHITTY SQUIRREL!"

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