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"gross." is all jeongin says, he didn't think he'd run into seungmin and minho sucking each other's faces again. but instead of walking away this time, he takes a quick video just in case if he needed evidence.

to be frank, he didn't know seungmin that well. and with minho, he didn't look like a guy who'd go for seungmin. which was quite interesting. but he didn't find anything new, his friend request was still pending and it was annoying him to the max. so instead of worrying and stressing himself out, he goes to find woojin for them to hang out.

as for jisung, he sits at the lunch table. a glum aura is what surrounds him, felix even scoots his chocolate pudding towards the boy. but jisung still rejects him. "what's wrong jisung..come on you need to eat and you've been so quiet.."

"I'm not confessing to him. there's no point?"

a pout forms on felix's face, "minho again? I know how you are but, I don't care if you confess or not. just tell me what's wrong, you're my best friend and I just want to see you smile for a least once today."

jisung looks at felix with puppy dog eyes, "of course it's about minho. but he's just a dumb hoe, I should just cut him off.."

"whatever's best for you. get rid of that hottie toxic man from your life!" felix encourages, "do you have more to say?"

jisung bites his lip thinking of the scene, "no..no I don't.."

"okay, talk to me if you need anything okay?"

jisung nods, "okay.."

back with jeongin, woojin and him sit in the music room sorting music sheets for classes. jeongin starts with beginning choir while woojin starts with the orchestra's music sheets. while doing their task it's quiet, so jeongin decides to break the ice by asking some unanswered questions.

"woojin hyung. I need to ask you something."

woojin puts his full attention on jeongin, "yeah, what's up?"

straightening out some of the sheets, he places them down neatly on the piano's top. "is minho hyung dating anyone?"

woojin's eyes widen, he chuckles from the boys words and shakes his head. "no, why? are you interested in him?"

jeongin shakes his head innocently, "nope, I just saw him kissing someone in the hallway yesterday. I thought it was his boyfriend or something so I was just curious."

"oh really? I mean, it could be his boyfriend."

jeongin smiles on the inside, "oh! so he's dating seungmin! the one from choir, that's who he was kissing. they're really cute.." jeongin states with shock in his tone.

woojin's eyes widen, a couple music sheets fall from his stack. "e—excuse me?"

"that's who I saw him with yesterday. seungmin hyung from class."

woojin looks around the music room and slowly goes towards jeongin. he whispers softly, "you do know kim seungmin is dating hyunjin? I don't know what you saw jeongin but it can't be true. he's specifically off limits because hyunjin is known to be possessive "

jeongin's eyes widen, interesting. "o—oh..then it can't be him! must've been my imagination or..I mistook him for seungmin...."

"it's okay jeongin, we all mistake people for others. but help me out with these sheets okay? I kinda dropped some and they need to be done by the end of lunch."

"okie dokie!" jeongin then states, as he's fixing up the mess his mind runs wild. hyunjin is up for a big surprise.

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