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the next day, minho now stays away from seungmin. knowing he'd get his ass beat by a sophomore, he wouldn't take any chances of not graduating by the end of the year. but as he walks down the hall, he finds jisung. it's been a while since they've spoken to each other, so he decides to say hi.

"hey! jisung!" minho runs up to the boy, waving a hand to get his attention.

jisung makes subtle eye contact with him, he had nobody to turn to since he was alone. so he stays put, letting it all flow. "hey.."

as minho stands in front of him, the older flashes a smile towards him. "so, how've you been?"

"somewhat confused, I've heard some things.."

minho lets out a chuckle, "shush~" he playfully tells, "I know I got caught but let's not speak about it. if hyunjin is around who knows what he'll do to me."

"why would you do it anyways?.." jisung mumbles, minho scratches the back of his head nervously.

"I was kinda the one who initiated everything. lately chan and I have been drifting away, my feelings aren't as strong and maybe I'm just done chasing him." minho explains, "sorry if this is so awkward, but seungmin also was having troubles with hyunjin yet didn't know how to speak out. his boyfriend is kinda you know, psycho."

jisung makes a disgusted face, "what are you talking about psycho? hyunjin is in one of my classes and he's clearly a sweetheart who knows how to deal with other people's feelings."

"woah, sorry if you're good friends with him and got offended. don't get too heated bud." minho tries to lay a hand on jisung's shoulder, but jisung slaps it away.

minho grips onto his hand, rubbing it. "hey..you alright?"

"you wanna ask me that now?" jisung scoffs by his words, "I need some alone time. just leave me be."

"oh jisung come on—"

"minho leave!" he says a bit more loudly, making sure the boy gets his words through his head. "go find someone else to toy with.."

jisung runs off, not turning back there are no more tears forming in his eyes. nor feeling regret from his actions. maybe it was a sign to leave minho for good. as he enters a nearby washroom, he looks around and awkwardly washes his hands to kill time. hearing one of the stalls open, he meets eyes with jeongin in the bathroom mirror. the brace boy smiles, "why hello there hannie. how's your day been?"

"alright.." jisung answers, he grabs some paper towels to wipe off his wet hands. "how about you?"

"it's been splendid." jeongin answers, he pumps some soap into his hands and rubs it between his palms. "I heard the news, about minho and seungmin. what a shame, am I right?"

jisung gulps, "I—It doesn't matter. minho is irrelevant."

"in my case, he's a nuisance." jeongin states boldly. after done washing his hands, he air dries them. "aren't I right? he's the definition of a man hoe who doesn't know how to choose one person. in the end, he hurts multiple people. to seungmin and hyunjin's relationship, to you, even I heard there's something going on between him and chan. which is a definite no."

"h—he's his own person. he can do whatever he wants."

"oh no, jisungie. no matter how many times you tell yourself you don't want him, in the end it's your heart pulling you towards him, the tornado of facts swirling in your mind might speak to you, but they won't matter. you love him." jeongin states firmly.

jisung shakes his head, "I don't!"

"you do. stop denying your feelings and suck it up." jeongin scolds, "pushing him away will just lead to him finding someone else. imagine him finding someone else, he won't even remember your name after that."

"stop it!"

"I'm just telling you the truth."

"well shut up because I don't need any of this bullshit!" jisung finally snaps, "I don't care about what you say! what minho says, or anybody! let me be and I'll let him be! he might've stolen my heart but I won't be an asshole about it! just stop this already! I can't take it no more!"

jeongin looks at the boy with lifeless eyes, he speaks. "then end it."

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