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"did you need something?" jeongin questions, "I feel as if that was a bit too blunt and mean, but yes!"

jeongin smiles towards the boy, unaware of who the boy was. he didn't mind at the moment, it wasn't like he had anything to worry about. he had chan, that's all he cared about and what was on his mind. it didn't matter who he conversed with. "wait, I don't know you? mind telling me your name."

"I'm somewhat friends with your boyfriend." felix tells, jeongin makes an 'o' shape with his mouth. "he told me about how you're the greatest boyfriend ever."

jeongin squishes his own cheeks, "I'm flushed. he's the sweetest, isn't he?"

"sure." felix responds, "nice meeting you."

"you too!!" as jeongin walks into the stall, felix walks out of the washroom and grits his teeth together. that was the boy who was dating chan? that was the boy who sent the text messages?

that was the boy who killed his best friend? he couldn't' accept this, he just couldn't. anger building up within him, he can't yell or scream due to him being in school. his breathing becomes heavy, digging his nails into his skin to try and relieve the emotions. felix sighs, "well then.." he whispers to himself, "chan's little innie will be recieving a big surprise.."

noticing chan near a row of lockers, he confronts him. hands in his pockets as he gives the older a bright smile. he greets him with a small, 'hey..' chan looks up from his phone and smiles.

"hey felix! how are you doing?"

"alright. I kinda felt bad about the other day. I shouldn't have been so rude to you." felix 'apologizes', "just wanted to tell you that."

"it's totally fine! I can understand to why you feel like that, don't worry about it. but always talk to me if you need anything."

"can I give you my number? in case if I need anything."

"of course! if you need anyone to-" chan hands felix his phone, yet it slips. chan's and felix's reflexes weren't fast enough to catch the electronic. watching it fall to the ground and it's screen being shattered. felix gasps, while chan remains calm. "man, well that's a bummer."

"s-sorry chan I didn't-" felix tries to say, but the boy cuts him off.

"no it's not your fault!" chan says with a reassuring smile, "it was mine, but I'll need to get a new phone. no biggy."

"alright then.." felix softly says, "I'll see you around chan..sorry about your phone.."

"no worries felix! see you around!"

as felix walks off with a smirk, chan picks up the device and sighs. hearing footsteps walk up to him, he looks at the figure. it being jeongin, he points at the phone. "what happened channie?"

"don't worry baby, it was an accident." chan says with a soothing tone, "I'll just buy a new phone."

"does this mean I can't call you?" as jeongin pouts. "channie.."

chan shakes his head, "I believe I have an old phone at home. I'm sure it works so if you recieve a text from a different number, it's me. it'll just be for now though."

jeongin nods, "okay channie..."

felix who's not too far from the couple, hears everything. an idea popping within his mind, it went perfectly with his plan. a smile creeping onto his face. he chuckles, "well..well.."

after school when felix goes back home, he runs into his room and sets his bag down. nobody being home, he runs down the stairs and into the kitchen. he looks through the drawers to find something specific for his mission. opening a bottom drawer with a black box, there were his father's knives. he had quite the collection, to matte black, holographic ones, and a special one with a heart within the knife's metal. which he adored, he believed it was a gift for his mother. but his father decided not to go with that gift idea, not every woman would want a knife for a special gift. so he picks it up, examining the blade and it's handle. he closes the box and then the drawer, running back upstairs to place it within his bag. no one was their to question his actions, to stop him from doing so.

in his mind, there was no other voice that was telling him no. his one and only self screamed, 'this is for jisung.' once he's done arranging his stuff, he grabs jisung's phone which is on his desk and enters his passcode. retrieving jeongin's number from his phone, he puts it into his. waiting for the morning to come, he doesn't want to risk anything by sending a text while jeongin and chan are together. so he stays patient.

looking at the new contact in his phone that showcases, 'JEONGIN <3', felix smiles.

"well, isn't this just lovely.."

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