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as jeongin walks back home, he waits for the reply from hyunjin. looking down at the time, it's not that late so he takes his time. waiting at a cross walk, he looks out for the passing cars to clear out or to at least let him pass.

his slow walk back home is quiet, until he hears footsteps becoming louder and a bit louder. his eyes widening, senses triggered, he turns around.

"what the hell do you—!" jeongin shouts, but covers his mouth when he meets his eyes.

"I knew it was you! didn't mean to scare you." he tells, running his fingers through his hair. chan holds his coffee and smiles. "hey jeongin, it's been a while.."

jeongin grips onto his drink, "I—it's been a while...yeah.."

"so what are you doing all alone? a cutie like you shouldn't be hanging out by himself." as chan smirks, he wraps his arm around jeongin's waist. "if you don't mind."

"I don't.."

walking for a bit, chan looks at the boy. "so? you went to the sweet shop by yourself?"

jeongin nods, "I was hungry.."

"so you get sweets, aren't you a cutie?" chan says with a chuckle, "are you all quiet because I'm a senior? is it true that I make you uncomfortable? did you just lie to minho?"

jeongin shakes his head, "of course not! maybe I'm just awkward because it's been a while since we've seen each other.."

"I've been wanting to see you again. but I've been quite busy." chan explains, "you interest me."

"now that sounds weird.." jeongin awkwardly smiles, "channie, why are you out here alone?"

chan sighs, "had a date but he bailed on me. wasn't surprised though."

jeongin eyes widen, "a—a date? h—he.."

"oh, are you like—?"

"no! no!" jeongin clears up, "who was it? I'm just surprised someone would bail on you..you literally radiate boyfriend material."

chan ruffles jeongin's hair, "thanks cutie, but don't worry. I'm fine now since I found you. you like the pet name?"

jeongin slowly nods, "it's cute..I really like it."

"I'll call you that all the time then. but anything you want to talk about?" chan questions, "I haven't been up with any of the tea lately, but I've been hearing some things."

"like what?" jeongin questions back.

"like seungmin cheating on hyunjin with minho. I don't really see it, but hyunjin hasn't brought it up to seungmin. he's been ranting to me about it during basketball practice." chan explains, "it's somewhat confidential news so don't tell anyone. I trust you."

jeongin nods, "why do you think he'd cheat on hyunjin?"

chan shrugs, "it's a really bad excuse but I know people get tired of each other and need something new. or, maybe because of hyunjin's manner of being possessive over his boyfriend."

"so seungmin doesn't like it?" jeongin clarifies, "why doesn't he just talk to hyunjin?"

"maybe because he's scared."

"he's scared of his boyfriend?"

chan smirks, "when it comes to love, your partners are capable of anything. trust me, I've seen hyunjin angry and I know seungmin would not want to face him."

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