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"woah, mr. bang stole your heart?" woojin teases jeongin, the younger blushes by his name being brought up. "for some reason, I expected it."

"you don't feel awkward hyung? since you and him.."

"no." woojin calmly admits, "it was ages ago, we're history. we're in present time and now it is you and chan."

jeongin smiles from his response, relieved that woojin accepted their relationship. "I'm glad..I didn't want to ruin our friendship."

woojin snorts, "nothing can ruin our relationship. but hey? help me out with these crates, they have organized music sheets that are quite old so we have to put them in the storage room."

jeongin nods, "of course hyung!"

the news of jeongin and chan spread quite quickly after it was announced by chan. it somewhat lightened the atmosphere when hearing about the new couple. chan and minho sit in the library's study rooms. studying for ap psychology, minho breaks their awkward silence by bringing up his new relationship. they had been distant for a bit, so catching up would be best.

"so, you're dating jeongin? congrats on snatching the cutie." minho says with a smile, chan laughs as a response.

"thanks, it took me a while since I've been busy." chan explains, "but I did it."

"you're lucky you got a good one." minho sighs, "I was quite blind and lost one."

"what do you mean?" chan questions, putting his pencil down and stopping his studies.

"lee felix, you know the transfer student from australia?" minho questions, chan nods. "he told me some things. but can I ask you a question first, am I like dense or oblivious? obviously I need to fix myself up, after the seungmin thing and other things in the past. be honest with me."

"to be frank, yeah you are. sorry man. but what about felix?"

"he's best friends with jisung." minho tells, chan still listens to every word. "jisung was in love with me and of course I'm an idiot who didn't see it!"

"don't blame anything on yourself. It's alright minho." chan comforts, but the brunette doesn't believe his words. nothing was going okay after jisung's death. "but hey, I'll tell you some cute things about jeongin to lighten the mood."

"go for it. I'm all ears." minho mutters. he wasn't even angry about chan's new relationship, it wasn't like him and chan would end up together anyways.

"well jeongin is adorable, you already know that. it's a fact. he supposedly can sing trot, I'm not surprised since he is in choir. he likes strawberry milk, watching movies. his favorite color is hot pink and his nickname is fox or something. but isn't that cute! my little fox."

"yeah super cute.." minho sighs, "anything else?"

"not really. but do you have the textbook? I forgot mine at home." chan questions, minho looks towards his backpack and shakes his head.

"I have it in my locker. I can go grab it real quick, it's not that far."

"yes please, I need it."

"roger that." minho then stands up from his seat and leaves the study room. walking out of the library and into the hallways. he walks towards his locker, once he arrives he lazily opens it. putting in the combination, he looks through his books and grabs his psychology textbook which is at the bottom.

seeing a crumpled piece of paper, he tilts his head. "what's this? I thought I cleaned out my locker."

before walking back to chan, he uncrumples the paper. then he remembers, the random note he received not long ago. the blood like ink doodled all over the paper. the weird saying written on it.

"foxes eat squirrels."

his nickname is fox.

"but you can say..."

he told me a certain 'he' was making
him sick and tired!

"I killed this one, just for fun."

nothing can kill you, am I right?

as minho's eyes widen, he shakes his head from the thoughts. crumbling the paper once again he keeps it in his locker. hands shaking, he doesn't want to believe any of his weird assumptions. "jeongin's too innocent for that.."

or was he.

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