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han jisung didn't have
to die, yet there's more to
this story.

as their date follows up, chan picks up jeongin from his place. they decide to have a picnic at the nearby park close to jeongin's place. it was simple and sweet. jeongin didn't mind as long as he got to spend time with the boy.

walking towards the park, chan converses with jeongin about random little things to get his mind off of the stress. being with jeongin made him feel younger, maybe because the boy was a freshman and he was drowning in senior duties. "so jeongin, what do you do in your free time?"

jeongin shrugs, "nothing special. drink strawberry milk, watch movies. just simple things."

"that's cute. do you have any nicknames? jeongin seems so plain, you call me channie and I feel as if it's unfair."

jeongin giggles, "well, people use to call me a desert fox. but you can call me jeongini or innie. anything is fine, I'm comfortable with you."

"I'm glad to hear." chan states, "how about me? do you like me?"

jeongin smiles, he lightly punches the boy. "what do you mean channie? are you trying to ask me something?"

"I don't know? am I?" as chan teases, "maybe I am? but it seems like we're at the park. let's find a nice spot okay?"

as chan holds jeongin's hand, he pulls him towards a nice area of the park. finding a spot with a couple trees surrounding them and shade. they decide to picnic there for a bit. chan setting up the cloth while jeongin puts the food down. they take off their shoes and begin to eat.

"so jeongin, tell me a bit about yourself."

"channie, I'm not that much of an interesting person." jeongin tells with a smile, grabbing some fruit from the platter.

"in my eyes you are." as chan flirts, "come on, there's got to be more to you."

"well..hm." as jeongin tries to think, "maybe due to my nickname I guess you can say I like foxes? my favorite color is hot pink and I can sing trot."

"trot? can you sing for me sometime?"

"maybe, but only just for you channie." jeongin states, "but tell me about yourself channie."

"well my nicknames are kangaroo and koala. because I'm from australia. I actually use to take ballet classes but now I'm in basketball." chan tells, jeongin thoroughly listens.

"that's cool. I never knew you were from australia." jeongin says surprised, "there's a lot we don't know about each other. so I guess we learn something new each day."

"definitely." chan smiles towards jeongin, he moves a bit closer towards the younger. "so..I have something to ask you. although it's quite sudden."

"what is it channie?"

"although we haven't hung out many times or know a lot about each other. will you?... how do I say this?"

"channie, are you trying to ask me out?"

"yes?.." he shyly answers.

"I'd love to be yours channie!" jeongin tells, hearts within his eyes as he looks at the boy. was it time? was chan finally his.

"really? I didn't think you'd say yes. oh wow, wait I just need to process this cause I'm somewhat shocked." chan runs his fingers through his hair, whispering to himself and smiles. "god jeongin, you know I never thought I'd fall for a freshman and fall really fast."

"well..I'm quite cute, how can anyone say no?"

"you're right." as chan chuckles from his comment, "but hey? are you sure about this? you aren't forced to date me."

jeongin giggles, "oh no channie, I'm sure. I'm positive."

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