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"he's. gone."

han jisung's death affected not only certain people dramatically, yet the whole school's atmosphere. jisung was known as the sweet kid, loving and caring. he had his moments and was a goofball with his best friend felix. yet today, nobody expected the unexpected.

during dance, the air was cold. felix not even remembering the steps to the class's dance. he bumps into people, eyes red while he tries to snap into focus. yet, it doesn't work. nothing could cure his broken heart.

"felix, why don't you take a break?" as their dance teacher states, her soft tone making felix a bit more relaxed. not wanting to snap at others.

felix nods, not even questioning his own abilities of what he could and couldn't do. he did know he could cry right there, on the spot. but he walks over to a corner, forming his body into the shape of a ball. "I hate everyone.." he whispers to himself.

his lips quivering, he whips out his phone. going to jisung's phone number, he sends him a message. 'sungie, I miss you a lot <3'. after he's done, he turns off his phone and sighs.

he forced himself to go to school the next day after the news. he didn't understand why when he knew he'd break down. his body felt numb, his thoughts were wandering places he's never seen before. his world, was crumbling.

he had so many questions to ask, the loudest yet most simple question was.


it was so abrupt, felix's life literally flashed before his eyes. he saw his best friend smiling one day, then the next his body being transported into an ambulance. he knew there had to be more to the story.

as he's about to put his face into the palm of his hands. a figure walks up to him. looking at the shoes and up, it's minho. hands behind his back as his bites his lip.

"hey.." minho greets, "I don't even know where to start."

felix stays silent.

"I'm sorry about jisung."

still silence.

"I'm here if you need anyone to talk to. I'm not much but I'll make an effort. I don't even know what happened, jisung and I—"

"jisung and you what?" felix questions, lifeless eyes as he stares at minho. as if he was about to overtake the boy's soul. "what happened between you two? what did you do?"

"nothing! I don't even know if I was apart of the problem!"

"before he did it, he told me a certain, 'he' was making him feel sick and tired! was it you!" felix's feelings were overtaking him, not caring about the words that were coming out from his mouth.

"I—I don't know!" minho replies, he steps away yet felix stands up.

"my best friend was in love with you! were you that blind!" felix uses his pointer finger to poke at minho's chest. "why couldn't you just acknowledge that sooner! he would've been alive if it weren't for you!"

"felix I'm sorry, but I don't—"

"you don't think you're guilty! I feel guilty for not saving him sooner!" felix holds back his tears, "I should've been beside him! I should've helped him when he needed someone the most! he needed support, yet I guess mine wasn't good enough!"

"felix please calm down and—"

"HOW CAN I CALM DOWN! HE'S DEAD. HE'S DEAD, I CAN'T ACCEPT THAT FACT!" felix snaps, "someone made him do it! han jisung would never take his life for something so little!"

felix drops to the floor, bawling his eyes out. minho who goes to comfort the boy tries to calm him down. yet felix couldn't feel the love. he didn't want anybody.

all he wanted was, his best friend.


meanwhile with jeongin, he sits outside of the school on a bench. with his favorite someone.


the older boy had been ranting about jisung's death, wondering and questioning why it was so sudden. just like everyone else. jeongin had volunteered to listen, when it came to chan. he'd be willing to hear all the words that came out of his mouth.

"jisung was a great guy. I don't know what broke him." chan sighs, "he doesn't talk much about his problems. but he was too young!"

jeongin nods, "I'm sorry for your loss channie.."

"it's alright jeongin, but I really appreciate you for listening to me." chan thanks, "I wanted to ask you on this day, but it seems so wrong to since of what happened."

"what's it about?" jeongin questions innocently, "I'm somewhat curious yet if you don't wanna say it's totally fine. I don't want to force you."

chan shrugs, "I wanted you and I to go out together sometime. that one time we bumped into each other, well I somewhat just found you. I wanted to see you more."

jeongin feels a clunk in his heart, he smiles towards the older. "I'd love to, but if it's not the right time. then it isn't."

"really?" chan asks for reassurance, he then receives a nod from jeongin. "o—okay cool! you know, when woojin first introduced you to minho and I. you somewhat just interested me from the start."

"really?" jeongin questions.

"really." chan states boldly, "why don't we make it this weekend. I need to get my mind off things and I think you'll be the person to make my week better."

"of course channie! I'll be sure to make you the happiest boy ever!"

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