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"felix? do you think confessing is a good idea?" jisung questions, stuffing ice cream into his cheeks.

felix's eyes widen, a smile paints across his cute face as he nods without any hesitation. "of course! I've been telling you this since forever!"

"but..if i were to confess and get rejected. what would I do?"

"I'll make you the hottest boy on earth and make him see what he's missing! although you are already hot, he needs to have his eyes checked because you are everything!"

jisung smiles from his best friends words, "thanks. it means a lot, but I really have been thinking about it."

"it might be cliché yet listen to your heart. I think confessing will lift off the emotions from your chest and cleanse you. you've been stressing a lot about him, so take a chance!"

as jisung finishes his ice cream, he pouts. "I don't know..it's just I'm contradicting myself a lot. I've been thinking of confessing yet it's so stupid. but what if the outcome is okay? my brain hurts from all the pros and cons, I just want it to end."

"give yourself another day to think about it. don't force yourself into confessing because it'll just be a mess. talk to me if you need anything alright?" felix tells calmly, wanting to comfort the boy. he knew jisung well, he wasn't good with confronting his feelings.

"okay.. I will.."

jisung then feels a vibrate from his phone, he knew it was after school and his mother probably was worrying. but it wasn't too late. until he checks the message, again it was the unknown messenger.

"who is it?" felix questions, trying to take a peek.

jisung takes a look, 'day two.' is all it states. but jisung turns it off, shaking his head. "it's nothing. just mom."

"oh, do you want me to walk you home now? sorry if it was abrupt to go get ice cream."

"no it's fine. she was just wondering where I was." jisung lies, felix nods his head from his words. "but hey? want another scoop or two? I'll pay."

felix couldn't say no to free ice cream and of course his best friend. so he gives a thumbs up, "definitely mate."

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