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as jisung walks around the hallways to find minho, he wanted to have a little chat with him. but it was a big mistake, he never thought a sight could rip his heart out and get shredded into pieces.

lee minho definitely went by his name. lee minhoe. is all jisung could think when he spots the two boys. he never thought he'd see kim seungmin tangling his fingers into minho's brunette locks. he never thought that innocent puppy boy would allow himself to proceed with their make out session in the middle of an empty hall. he hated seeing minho with other girls and guys. his feelings were indescribable, he couldn't contain himself and just by the sight he wanted to scream. yet instead he holds his breath and runs away.

the sight still stuck with him, how he saw minho and seungmin kiss, tongues fighting for dominance. how minho was slowly lifting seungmin up to where his body was floating, being pushed roughly against the row of lockers. as he tries to forget, he dashes through the halls with tears in his eyes. passing numerous of students, he didn't even notice how he rushed by jeongin.

but jeongin noticed jisung running from a milestone. he didn't have any intentions to follow him, but to find out what he was running from. so he follows the corner he came from and starts his mission there.

quietly walking through the halls, he hears some interesting noises not too far from where he stands. taking a couple more steps and peeking from a corner. his eyes widen from the sight, oh.

well this is unexpected. kim seungmin was a boy filled with many secrets. everyone knew him from choir, he was a great vocalist indeed. yet he had no idea that his mouth would be a use towards pressing it against minho's. yet, jeongin had a feeling seungmin wasn't truly revealing the boy he was.

jeongin looks away as the two boys part from their kiss. now his schemes seemed too boring. walking away, today he decides to end the five day warning and not send his special gift.

his cute smile appears on his face, taking out his phone. he goes on Instagram to figure out more about minnie, "hannie, you're free for now."

he sends the boy, 'chance given'

as jeongin is done with that, he looks at the private account of kim seungmin. he taps the follow button for his request to pend. "now, let's figure out who this new pest is."

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