McCree x Female Reader: First Time

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Part One: McCree x Female Reader - First Time.


Author's Note: This was my first ever story I wrote that was Overwatch related, and thankfully, I saved it. It is probably my favourite and has a special meaning to me. Regarding content, it's about how you feel that instant connection with a certain cowboy and struggle to resist his advances. Can a lonely evening in a quiet bar be the beginning of something special?


He entered the bar shortly after me, not paying attention to me at first before noticing me hidden away in the corner. I felt his eager eyes looking over at me, staring at me intensely. I was too weak to meet his gaze. He would see right through me.

I didn't know his name, but I'd seen him before. He was so complex and mysterious. I was intrigued yet I didn't want to get mixed in his world. He was experienced and could do so much better than me. Why was he looking?

I felt my face go red and left to go outside the lonely bar. It was a mistake coming here alone, but I needed a drink. I needed some whiskey to help calm my fragile mind.

I breathed in the fresh air, feeling emotional. I was overwhelmed. I realised in a panic that I had not taken care of the bill before rushing back inside.

'Don't worry sweetheart, I've taken care of it' the figure said, expecting my return. His American accent was so strong and charming.

'I didn't need you to do that for me, I can look after myself' I said flustered. He analysed me. I felt self-conscious and wondered if my outfit didn't suit my body type, or maybe there was something in my eye.

'What?' I remarked, annoyed.

'Here, let me' the man replied. He licked his thumb and moved it towards my face. Normally, I wouldn't let a stranger near me, but some part of me trusted him. His smile seemed genuine. His brown eyes were beautiful with flickers of golden specks through them. His beard and rustic look complemented his unique edge. His shaggy brown hair... Every part of me wanted to run my hand through it.

He moved his thumb to the corner of my mouth, wiping away the lingering liquor that had remained.

'I'm Jesse' he said, extending his left arm to take my hand and plant a soft kiss. I noticed that he had a bionic arm.

'You know, it's not nice to stare' Jesse said, pulling his arm away and letting my hand drop.

'I'm sorry' I remarked in a panic, stumbling over my words. However, when I looked up at him, at his cheeky smirk, I knew he was just messing with me.

'I should go' I said slowly, feeling vulnerable. I spun around and walked away before he could get another word out.

I retreated outside of the bar and sat at the outside table, occasionally peering back inside to see what Jesse was up to. I was inquisitive and curious to see if he was only looking for a cheap hussy to take home. I looked in to see Jesse chatting up a cute blonde with a much better figure.

'I knew it' I thought to myself, relieved I hadn't made the mistake of falling for his cheap antics. I grabbed my purse and went to leave before Jesse decided to join me outside.

'Didn't realise I had a stalker' Jesse teased, lighting up a cigar and exhaling in a cool manner.

'Didn't realise you embraced lung disease' I sneered back, a little upset by how quickly he discarded me.

Instead of getting angry, he sighed before walking towards me.

'What's bothering you, pumpkin?' He said kneeling down to meet my face, frowning. He was genuinely concerned.

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