Sombra x Female Reader: Heal

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Part Thirty-Six: Sombra x Female Reader - Heal


This is a REQUESTED STORY. (Requested byThe_Dead_Ender)

Author's Note: This story is probably my darkest, therefore reader discretion is definitely advised. Themes of suicide and sexual assault are prominent in this story, therefore a trigger warning is definitely given. Regarding content, after suffering at the hands of your abusive partner, an assassin infiltrates your building under the instruction of Talon. Will she kill you and put you out of your misery? Or will she see through your fake smile and fall for your vulnerability and kindness?


I felt her lips against my neck, as her soft fingers ran around the purple and blue bruises around my shoulders. I closed my eyes, as tears ran down my cheeks, the overwhelming loss hit me. She was a complicated person, but she could see that there was someone far more sinister in my life.

Her machine pistol was pressed against my skull, as my lips began to tremble. I had heard that Talon had an agent specialising in infiltrating the toughest security systems, but never expected her to literally appear in front of me.

She forced me to my knees, and I looked up at her, silently begging her for mercy. I studied her features, her purple and black hair pushed to the side as her violet eyes shot straight through me.

She knelt down facing me, before tilting my chin upwards to meet hers. I closed my eyes, expecting to meet my fate, before I felt her gloved finger against my nose.

'Boop' the agent said quietly.

I was intimidated but ironically was less terrified in this situation than I was at home. My partner and I had run into a bit of financial trouble, and he turned to alcohol, burdening our relationship further.

He had come home after a night drinking at the casino, having gambled our savings away. I had confronted him, after checking our account on our phone to discover that it had been drained.

The rain crashed down, as I yelled at him, asking where it had gone.

'I had a straight, but he had a flush' he mumbled guiltily, as anger possessed me. Our relationship had been difficult and dissipating into nothing for a long time, and it needed to end.

'We need to break up' I eventually spat out. I felt nothing. No anger. No sadness. Nothing.

He stumbled towards me, as if he needed to say something, before vomiting all over me. I didn't flinch or care when he did, before moving to the bathroom, stripping myself of my spoiled attire.

I ran the shower, as I stepped underneath the flowing water, shrouding me in heat. I thought about my plan of action before my partner intruded, making his way into the shower, fully clothed.

I gasped as he grabbed my shoulders, pushing me against the shower wall, as he kissed my neck. I squirmed under his strong grip, as his fingers dug into my skin. I tried pushing him off of me before going limp, not caring anymore.

I didn't try to fight him, as one hand was on me while the other was fiddling with his dripping belt buckle. I just didn't feel anymore. I began to isolate myself from my family and friends, unable to care. I began to write on my wrists with a blood pen, line after line, stroke on stroke of pain.

'Just do it' I begged, tearfully looking up at her.

The assassin's smile faded, as she took my hand in hers, softly massaging the back of my hand with her thumb before slowly turning my arm, revealing my scars. She looked up at me, worry in her eyes. I nodded, before pulling at my shirt, revealing the bruises he had branded me with.

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