Mercy x Junkrat: Favour

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Part Thirty-Two: Mercy x Junkrat - Favour


This is a REQUESTED STORY. (Requested by CreepyReader039)

Theme: This has a HALLOWEEN specific theme.

Author's Note: This story is based on the tale of Doctor Jamison Junkenstein and the deal he makes with the Witch of the wilds. It's a little different to what I usually write, as it rhymes, but I'm having a lot of fun and I hope you do too! Let me know what you think!

Regarding content, where do we begin?
The Witch of the Wilds spreading all sorts of sin.
Doctor Jamison was sitting there in all sort of strife,
Begging his creation to have a spark of life
In exchange for his monster, the witch requested a favour.
In his worst moment, Junkenstein found his saviour.
After releasing his creature, the devil came to claim,
The favour that he owed, the contract bounded to his name.
But what was this request? Care to place a bet?
Junkenstein waited in the castle, desperate to repay his debt.


Doctor Jamison sat alone in his castle, knowing that the witch was near.
He drummed his fingernails waiting, shrouded in darkness and fear.
His monster had been unleashed and was spreading chaos through the town.
The four wanderers who tried to stop it were no longer around.
Jamison sat on his throne, his head in his hands.
He had died once, but the witch revived him, as she had other plans

He thought of her blonde hair, the sinister beauty consuming her.
She looked like an angel but causing misery she preferred.
He heard a knock at the castle door, goosebumps running up his spine.
'I've come for you Junkenstein and your soul is mine'
The witch smiled, from her hands shot an ungodly glow.
And from beneath Jamison's pants, an erection began to grow.
The witch frowned, ceasing her sacred ritual
Confused as to why she felt attached to this certain individual.

'I was at my worst, and you saved me from rock bottom
I owe you my life or have you so clearly forgotten?'
The witch laughed, as her devilish gold shot into the sky
But once more stopped when she felt a dampness between her thighs
Junkenstein noticed her hesitation, and reached out to take her hand
The witch fell ill, no longer able to stand
She fell into his arms, as his fingers stroked her face.
Her skin was feverish, much to his distaste.
He carried her to his laboratory, admiring his knew resident
Excited to expose her to all of his twisted experiments
He strapped her to the table, an injection in her arm
She began to struggle, but he assured her there would be no harm
The witch began to convulse, her body reddening and itching
Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, unable to control her twitching

'What have you done to me? Why do I feel so faint?
Why am I so aroused? I have the patience of a saint!'
The witch fought against her restraints, unable to take this pain
Unsure of what poisonous drugs were seeping through her veins
Junkenstein smiled, as he ever so softly kissed her lips
She kissed him back, as he lay his fingers against her hips.
'What I've done to you is not of your concern
I'm here to help soften your burn
Your head is hot, and skin is pale
I'm a doctor with your coffin, trying to prevent the final nail'

'Save me doctor and that is my one favour
Help me and I will reward you for being my saviour
Stop my sickness, stop this heat and sweat
Do this for me and you will have paid off your debt'
The doctor paused for a moment, considering the witches pleas
He could cure her illness or just simply leave her be
'If I do this for you, I want your body in return
I want to make love, as we watch the world burn'

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