Reaper x Female Reader: More To Love

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Part Twenty-One: Reaper x Female Reader - More To Love


This is a REQUESTED STORY. (Requested by FanFic_Master101)

Author's Note: This story implies the reader is chubby and a little overweight, who is overwhelmed with insecurities. This is not glorifying obesity, and reader discretion is advised if this is a potential trigger. Themes of bullying and harassment also are involved in this story. Regarding content, after being stood up by your date, you're publicly humiliated by a group of nasty women. Will a certain Gabriel Reyes laugh along with them or will he be the knight in shining armour you're destined to be with?


I looked in the bathroom mirror, analysing myself. I re-applied my lipstick and combed through my hair with my fingers. I had re-applied my mascara and tried washing my tear-stained face. It was hot, and I was bothered. I fanned at my armpits, trying to cool off my sticky skin. It was harder being of a larger stature; my boobs were always sweaty, my thighs looked like cottage cheese, and all the other thinner and prettier girls would never let you hear the end of it. They had perfect hair and a killer body. God, I envied them and wished I was more like that.

However, I thought I looked good tonight. I was sitting in a crowded restaurant, with a bar at the front, waiting for my date. I had arrived a few minutes early, my heels clicking against the tiled floors, as I entered the tiled building. I was so excited to finally meet up with this man. It was my first real date I had been on in a long time.

I was wearing a long black gown, my makeup done to perfection, my hair in a beautiful, messy bun, with a few curls falling over my face. I thought I looked really good and felt confident in myself as I sat at my table. I smiled at a few snobbish women sitting by the bar with this tall, dark and muscular man. I caught him staring at me up and down, but he was probably looking at the fact I was alone.

I waited for an hour, calling this man over and over, wondering where he was, until I realised I had been stood up. Frustrated, I texted him, asking why he had put me through this pain.

'I did come but you were a lot bigger than I thought you were. Maybe lose a bit of weight and message me when you do because I'd be keen x'

I read the text, feeling tears prick at my eyes. My face started burning, as I attempted to blink my tears away. The girls over at the bar were laughing and pointing at me now. I ran to the toilets, crying into my hands. I was so humiliated and couldn't believe that this person had looked at me and decided that I wasn't worth getting to know based off of one factor.

I pulled at my bun, letting my curls become loose and fall around my face. I blew my nose into the toilet paper, before picking up my purse and exiting the cubicle.

As soon as I had smoothed my hair and re-applied my makeup, the nasty women from the bar waltzed over, clearly enjoying my humiliation.

'Stood up?' one of them sneered, raising her eyebrow at me.

'N-No... He had a family emergency' I lied, trying to plaster a smile on my face.

'Oh? Is that why he was at the bar and suddenly left after glancing one look at you' a second girl laughed, rolling her eyes.

'In fact, he even left me his number' she continued, waving a piece of paper with a number scribbled down on it.

My face fell, as the women laughed behind me as I pushed through them out of the bathroom. My vision was blurred with tears that I didn't see him there. I walked into his chest, stumbling and falling backwards. He caught me though, piercing through me with his black eyes, as the tears fell down my face.

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