McCree x Female Reader: Nothing

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Part Thirty-One: McCree x Female Reader - Nothing

Rating: MILD

Author's Note: This chapter is quite personal to me, as I've just written my own ending to my story that has been dragged on for far too long. It is very sad, and not exactly an enjoyable or romantic story, therefore reader discretion is advised. Regarding content, Jesse McCree appears from the shadows after being unfaithful to you. You're happier now and have found a partner, but cannot feel a spark there. Will your former flame burn you alight or will you finally have an opportunity to say goodbye to your past?


I saw him standing there, wind blowing through his brown locks, a cigar locked in his lips. I could feel him staring at me, a shiver running down my spine. I glared at him, as I grabbed at my partner's hand, garnering his attention. I smiled at my love, kissing his lips, causing my former lover to squirm, his mechanical hand rubbing the back of his head as he was forced to watch me.

I slipped my tongue between my partner's lips, feeling around his mouth, trying to make this kiss somewhat bearable. There was no spark there; no electricity... I tried my best to make our relationship work, moving interstate and even becoming engaged at one point. He was sweet to me, and treated me well, spoiling me and shrouding me with gifts. He was a nice love, and I appreciated his presence.

However, he just wasn't him... He never made me feel alive, not in the way Jesse did. It had been just over a year since I had seen him, after he so coldly cheated on me one fateful night in September. I loved him, with all of my heart, and after having a night out with friends, he made a new one in the form of a lover. He broke me, and I was bedridden for weeks, unable to face him. He never spoke to me after that night, and I tried filling the hole in my heart with other lovers, who never quite matched what Jesse had given me.

Then, I met him and soon after, he became my new partner. I loved him in a different way to Jesse, but I always felt as if something were missing. He was a fine lover between the sheets, but I always came away feeling empty.

I shook my head, as my partner let go of my embrace. I snuggled into his arms, before I looked over at Jesse, unable to avert my eyes from him. I saw him kissing a head full of blonde, and I felt myself go red in the face, sickened by his actions, wishing deep down that it was me.

'You alright my love?' my partner asked, cupping my face.

'Fine. Just parched. Will you get me a drink?' I said, faking a smile.

He nodded, before walking off, leaving me alone under the fairy lights. It was a Christmas party, but I wasn't exactly in the holiday spirit.

'Good to see you darlin' I felt a familiar voice chime behind me. I spun around, anxiety seeping through me, as I realised he had come over from the other side of the room.

'Jesse...' I sighed, holding my arm uncomfortably. I had no idea what to say to him. I couldn't bear to be this close, knowing that he was intimate with another.

'Just wanted to say I hope you're well' he nodded, tipping his hat, as my partner walked back over.

'Jesse McCree' he smirked, extending a hand.

'I'm sure you've heard all about me' he continued, shooting me a wink. Jesse always knew how much I adored him and would do anything to exploit that factor.

My partner blinked a few times before extending his hand to meet his in a dazed manner.

'I'll leave you two lovebirds be' Jesse smirked, shifting away, as his own blonde partner called him back over.

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