McCree x Reaper: You

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Part Eight: McCree x Reaper - You.


Author's Note: This is a probably my favourite ship, and I hope you think so too. Regarding content, a broken Gabriel Reyes made a costly mistake and a certain cowboy wants to know why. Will Reyes tell him the truth of why he made such a huge error or will he continue pushing his student away?

'What the fuck were you thinking Reyes?' the frustrated cowboy, Jesse McCree, yelled at his superior.

Gabriel Reyes sat down on his bed, his head in his hands, feeling angry that his student spoke to him like that. They had just gotten back from a mission, and their spirits were badly bruised. It had not gone accordingly, and Gabriel Reyes, commander of Blackwatch, was to blame.

'Get out Jesse' Reyes muttered, biting his cheek to stop his rage from overwhelming him.

'No. The agreement was that I keep my mouth shut and don't tell Commander Morrison and in exchange, you talk' Jesse said, shaking his head.

'You're pushing me Jesse' Reyes spat standing and facing the young man.

Jesse took a couple of steps back, knowing that Reyes would hit him if he pushed. He had learned from experience. However, Reyes made a huge mistake that never should've been made and Jesse needed answers.

'What the fuck happened out there Reyes?' Jesse yelled stepping forward and pushing his solid chest, demanding an answer.

Jesse felt the back of Gabriel's hand across his cheek, then again, and again. Jesse's face stung, as blood began to trickle down his nose. Reyes was still angry, forcing him to his knees and kicking his chest, sending Jesse backwards, hitting his head on the cold concrete floor.

Jesse whimpered, hurting and trying to suppress the lump that had formed in his throat.

'Get the fuck out' Reyes said turning away from him, ashamed he had let his anger get the better of him.

Jesse's legs shook, as he stood, doubling over and making his way to the door of Gabriel's room.

Jesse turned and faced the angry man who glared at him, waiting to be left alone.

'Just saying, if I'd done what you did, you would've killed me' Jesse hissed to his superior before opening the door and slamming it shut.

Gabriel sighed, sitting back down and running his hand through his mop of curly hair. Jesse was right; if the roles were reversed, he probably would have killed him. However, Jesse wasn't stupid enough to make the mistake that he did.

He remembered earlier in the day when they had received intel about preventing a Talon attack in Switzerland. Jesse had been staking out near the potential members, stalking their movements before learning of their plan. Talon had learned of where Overwatch members who had been injured resided and intended to blow the hospital up.

Jesse contacted Gabriel, informing him of the situation at hand. Jesse said he planned to attack and capture the members, knowing he didn't have much time.

Gabriel knew fully well that Jesse could handle himself and that they didn't have a lot of time. He knew that he should let Jesse go.

'No' Reyes said. 'Wait for me'

'Are you fucking kidding me Reyes? You're an hour away from me. You know they're not going to stick around' Jesse screamed.

'Stay hidden and wait. That's an order' Gabriel said, praying that he would make it in time. He contacted strike commander Jack Morrison and alerted him of the situation. Morrison then ordered an evacuation of the hospital, ensuring no one would be hurt.

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