Soldier 76 x Reaper: Confession - Part One

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Part Eighteen: Soldier 76 x Reaper - Confession - PART ONE

Rating: MILD

This is PART ONE of TWO.

Author's Note: I've been wanting to write a Jack and Gabriel story for a while now and since I've started, it's a lot longer than I thought it would end up being. Therefore, I've decided to split it into two parts. Reader discretion is advised, as themes of suicide are raised. Regarding content, Jack is grieving the death of his closest friend, Gabriel and is drinking to help cope with the grief. However, when Gabriel winds up at Jack's front door, will Jack finally confess how he feels about Gabriel?



I was alone on a quiet Friday evening, sitting by the fire in my living room. I had managed to finish work early, but I felt lonely. I sighed, pouring a glass of scotch, sipping at it, the taste of silk and honey blended rolling down my throat.

I sighed, unsure of what to do. It was barely 8pm, and far too early to go to bed. I considered watching a movie or reading a good book, but I wasn't in the mood. I rubbed the back of my neck, as I lay down on my red couch, looking up at the ceiling. I closed my eyes, and thought about my glory days, when I was the commander of Overwatch. Nostalgia seeped through my veins, as I breathed, remembering him and the way we were. He was my closest friend and he was gone. I missed him terribly.

That fateful day at the Swiss Headquarters, a blast that took him away from me. I screamed when I saw his body lying there. I frantically held my face, blood gushing out of it. I placed my head against his chest, desperately trying to hear a heartbeat. I didn't. I placed my fingers over his wrist, begging for a pulse. He was dead. I ran through the destruction and rubble, not stopping until I was safe. I sobbed, as I sprinted away, hoping our enemies had not seen I had escaped. I loved him, and he was dead. A part of me died that day with him, and I hadn't been the same since.

I wish I had told him how I felt, confessing my love for him, hoping he felt the same. However, I didn't want to ruin the relationship we already had. He was my best friend; we had been through it all together, from the Soldier Enhancement Program to running Blackwatch and Overwatch respectively. I felt a tear drop down my face before I finished my drink. I picked up a photo of us from when we were younger, smiling at it, planting a kiss on his photographed face.

'I still miss you...' I slurred, a little intoxicated before holding it to my chest, letting sleep take me away from this misery.

I awoke suddenly to a loud banging at my door. I jumped at the sudden disturbance. It had frightened me. I frowned, looking at the time. It had just turned midnight. Who would come for me at this hour? I rubbed my eyes, flattening my hair, trying to make myself presentable for my mystery caller.

I stood up shaking before slowly walking over to the door and opening it. My heart nearly stopped when I saw the pearl faced mask staring back at me. I was going to die, they had found me. I closed my eyes, expecting the masked assailant to slit my throat, but he just stood there.

'Who-Who are you?' I growled out, terrified of the pearl mask. He looked like the grim reaper.

The figure stood there for a moment, before his gloved hands reached up to his mask, pulling it off his face. It was severely scarred, his golden-brown eyes now black and dark, his beard unkept and wild. However, it was him. My eyes widened in shock, as I pinched myself. Was I hallucinating?

'Jack' he breathed softly, touching my arm.

'Gabe' I cried out, hugging him and pulling him against my chest. I was so angry he hadn't told me he was alive, but I didn't care at that moment. I sobbed into his muscular arms, not caring. I had missed him so much and he was here. He was here with me and I wasn't letting him go.

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