McCree x Female Reader: Blind Date

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Part Fifty: McCree x Female Reader - Blind Date


Author's Note: Just wanted to write something a little bit kinky... Hope you all enjoy! Sorry for grammar/spelling mistakes in advance, absolutely exhausted. Regarding content, you could not have been set up on a worse date, but will you take him up on his offer?


You stared at him from across the dance floor,  fury flooding through you.

"What an absolute prick," you thought to yourself, as he drunkenly kissed another woman, moving mere metres from your table.

You waited for your friend, who was running late. This was a stupid idea. You had been single for a long time now and you were just fine with that. You liked looking after yourself and you were okay with eventually settling for a plainer man. Simplicity complicated nothing.

You texted your friend, saying you were leaving. You didn't need to be set up, and you didn't want to participate in something as trivial as a double date.

You sighed, sipping at your G&T, drumming your fingernails across the table. You shot a glare over to the cowboy, still furiously kissing the mop of blonde hair.

"How cliche," you thought to yourself.

You felt your phone vibrate, as you received a text from your friend.

Actually... Stay. We're not coming - we just wanted you to set you up with someone who'll get your blood running. PLEASE trust me and don't be mad. We knew you would never have agreed if it was by yourself. Enjoy your night love, and don't hate me x.

Fury flooded through you, as you realised you were going to be left with a stranger. You didn't like most people and you could already tell you didn't like whoever it was, due to their lateness.

Well whoever it is didn't come and I'm sitting alone in the back corner with an obnoxious couple getting it on metres away from me. You owe me dinner, and my wasted time.

Please give this a shot. I know you'll like him, okay? I'll call him and see where he is for you x

You sighed, as you quickly downed the rest of your drink.

"Fuck it," you muttered before beginning to shove your belongings into your handbag until you heard a phone ring.

You looked to your left, as the mop of blonde was ordered away while the man answered the phone.

"Yeah I'm here," you heard him say before you saw his eyes widen.

"I'm right by the back corner of the bar..." he muttered before turning and locking his eyes on you.

"Oh no," you scowled, as you quickly walked off, trying to avoid him.

The stranger hung up the phone and chased after you, grabbing your arm.

"Now wait a minute sugar, what's your name?" He tried, stopping you on the front balcony.

"Get off of me, I'm not interested," you hissed, pulling your arm away.

"That's a funny name. I'm Jesse," he smiled, extending a hand.

"Hi Jesse, just a tip, you have some of that woman's lipstick on the corner of your mouth," you sighed, rolling your eyes.

"Aw come on sweet pea, ain't a guy allowed to have a bit of fun?" Jesse sighed, rubbing his hands down the nape of your neck, twisting his fingers into your strands of hair.

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