Mercy x Female Reader: Angel

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Part Thirteen: Mercy x Female Reader - Angel



Author's Note: This is my first time writing female on female intercourse, so if you have any constructive criticism or feedback, don't hesitate to contact me. Regarding content, it's New Year's Eve and you find yourself stumbling along a rooftop when you meet an angel... Will you fall for her or will she just be another drunken memory?


It was New Year's Eve and you were at a cliché costume party. It was one of those parties where the rule was you wore your mask until the clock struck midnight, signalling the new year. It was a beautiful venue, decorated with fairy lights and you were having a fantastic time dancing with your friends. It was a nostalgic scene with a historical feel – a gigantic open hall with live music playing throughout, the bar situated on the ground floor opposite the dance floor. There was a second level, where tables and chairs decorated the open space. It was a little quieter up there, enabling people to converse and relax.

However, you had been to this place before and knew that there was a secret rooftop where you occasionally snuck out there to get some fresh air, appreciating the cool, night breeze.

After celebrating the night with many, many drinks, your friends took you by the hand, leading you on to the dance floor. You squealed with excitement, as lights lit up the area and strobe effects penetrated the scene. You all looked beautiful, but you knew deep down your friends envied you. You looked absolutely stunning – a vintage black shimmy dress accompanied with a pair of sexy high heels. Your lips were red, your hair down and your mask was absolutely perfect.

You'd found it almost by accident when you were hunting for an outfit and came across it in a thrift store. It was a black butterfly mask, silver glitter running up the edges. You picked it up, admiring it before paying for it without a second thought.

You laughed with your friends, as you danced until your lungs were about to give out. Your head began to spin, as the spinning lights made you feel slightly nauseous and you knew you had to get some fresh air. You told your friends you needed to excuse yourself before disappearing off the dance floor. You slowly stumbled up the stairs, swaying slightly to the side. You were extremely intoxicated but managed to discreetly slip out of the hidden door. You sighed as you felt the cool air on your hot skin. You looked up at the stars appreciating their beauty, before sitting on the pavement, removing your heels. Your feet were killing you. You smiled, stretching your toes and wiggling them, giggling to yourself.

You lay back down, closing your eyes. It was only early in the night and you knew you should take a break from drinking. You breathed, enjoying your time to yourself until you realised you weren't alone. You could hear someone laughing at you. You sat up, anxiety racing through your mind, looking to your side before seeing her hiding away in the corner.

She walked towards you, clutching her stomach, tears of laughter rolling down her face. You frowned, wondering why she found this so funny.

You moved to your feet, standing up and wobbling. She grabbed your arm to steady you, the moonlight revealing to you who this mysterious woman was. She was perfect.

She wore a long golden gown, a white rope tied around her waist substituting as a belt. She had beautiful, blonde hair bobbing at her shoulders, a halo hovering over her pretty head. Her smile was perfect and her pink, plump lips simply kissable. However, what caught your eye was her silver and white angel mask, covering her face. It had beautiful crescent moons and silver stars covering it.

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