Soldier 76 x Reaper x McCree: Good Boy

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Part 40: Soldier 76 x Reaper x McCree - Good Boy


SHOUT OUT: I wrote this story for TheFlamingPotato and gayboi1111111112457, who both wished me well for the new year and have been such good friends to me - I hope you enjoy this story!

Author's Note: I was desperate to write an explicit story tonight starring my three favourite heroes, and this is the product that has been created in my twisted imagination; I hope you enjoy. Regarding content, Jack finds himself back in his office after offering it to Jesse and Gabriel to conduct their business in his absence, however, little did Jack know that their 'business' was something he needed to be a part of...


'Have agent McCree and Commander Reyes finished up their business Angela?' Jack Morrison, the charming handsome poster boy of Overwatch asked his assistant and top medical advisor, Angela Ziegler.

'No Commander' she responded, her German accent thick and apparent in her words.

'Tell them they can use my office after I leave the premises' Jack grunted, grabbing his duffel bag and making his way to the elevator. He sighed, rubbing his forehead before pressing the button, the doors slowly closing afterwards. It had been a very long day for the three of them, and Jack pitied Jesse in particular, who Reyes had been extremely harsh on as of late.

Jack knew it would encourage Jesse's skills, but after the discussion they had before, Jesse was squirming with discomfort, you could see it on his face. After a meeting like that followed by a likely ego-bashing from Reyes, Jack pitied the young lad.

Jack sighed, as the elevator doors opened leading towards the underground carpark. He walked towards his dashing convertible before feeling in his back pockets.

'Fuck' Jack realised, as he must have left his car keys in his coat pocket when he arrived to work that wintry morning.

Jack groaned, as he realised he had to go back into the building and sign in. He hated protocol, but he knew how tough security had to be in order to enter the Overwatch facilities.

He scanned his pass before letting security confirm his identity through the cameras. Once it had gone through, the elevator doors opened once more, as he pressed the button and travelled up to the fifth floor once again where his office was located.

He raised an eyebrow at Angela's desk where she was apparently missing. Jack thought for a moment before deciding not to wait. He would only be a few minutes and there was no reason to sign in, then out again if he was going to literally be in his office for no longer than thirty seconds at most.

Jack unlocked his office, quietly making his way through and into the closet, the door creaking near shut behind him, grabbing his keys and starting to put on his coat before being interrupted by the sound of voices.

Before Jack could react, Gabriel and Jesse made their way into his office. Jack peeked out of the closet to confirm their presence and was about to exit it before Jesse spoke up.

'Are you sure Commander Morrison has gone sir?' Jesse asked, looking up at Reyes, his brown puppy eyes eager for an answer.

'Yes Jesse, Angela just told me that he had left, and that we were free to utilise his office for our business. Reyes growled, taking a step towards Jesse, who was shaking.

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