McCree x Reaper: Loss and Love

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Part Fifty-One: McCree x Reaper - Loss and Love


This is a REQUESTED STORY (wholesomewriterboi) This is also dedicated to Chikaras, who has an amazing 9 part story about the adventures of Gabriel, McCree and Soldier76. It is definitely worth a read and is being updated slowly. I know my updates are less frequent, so if you're looking for a similar story to mine, you will not be disappointed!

Author's Note: After the deterioration of their relationship, Jesse is determined to forget about Reyes and start dating another. Will Reyes give up on their relationship for the sake of the world or will he tell Jesse how he really feels?


A smile danced on Jesse McCree's lips, as he entered the Blackwatch facilities for the first time in weeks. He'd taken some personal leave, after being coldly discarded by his former flame, Gabriel Reyes.

Their relationship was tumultuous, eventually turning toxic and affecting their work ethic and abilities. Despite his intense feelings for Jesse, Reyes knew he had to put his foot down and put the world first. He knew it would be hard on the boy, who was 20 years his junior, but Jesse would learn. Sometimes, you had to make personal sacrifices to be a hero, and the world needed them more than they needed each other.

The worst part about it was the look on Jesse's face. Gabriel refused to budge, trying to keep his emotions in check and their relationship professional, but the damage had been done. Jesse had been hurt.

He left Blackwatch temporarily, taking personal leave, which Gabriel approved. He figured some space between them would help Jesse find closure, but it only made it worse. Jesse would repeatedly call in a drunken state at ungodly hours in the morning, crying, begging Gabriel to re-consider, promising him that they could find away to keep their personal lives separate from their work, but he never returned his calls. He couldn't give Jesse what he wanted.

Gabriel struggled through the messages, refusing to cry and let his vulnerability and pain encourage him to return his call. It was tough, but it was what needed to happen.

Jesse tipped his hat towards Gabriel, before properly greeting the other members, Moira and Genji, with firm handshakes. He acted like Gabriel didn't exist to him any more. Jesse refused to even look at the man.

"Let's get to work team," Gabriel mumbled.

"What is the plan boss?" Jesse smiled, a sarcastic smirk planted on his face.

"Genji and Moira will be training together. We're currently determining whether her damage orbs can be deflected with his blades. You and I will be working on your aim, as you've been absent. We'll see if you're rusty." Gabriel explained, nodding towards the shooting range.

Jesse mumbled something under his breath, before pulling out his peacekeeper, determined to meet expectations.

"Got something to say, McCree?" Gabriel asked, his eyebrows arched, unimpressed by his childish attitude.

"No sir."

The two men practiced their accuracy with training bots, Gabriel fighting off the closer omnics with his shot gun and Jesse shooting the rest from afar. He didn't miss once.

Jesse was determined to prove that Gabriel's presence meant nothing to him. If anything, it improved his performance, as Jesse wanted Gabriel to know that he meant nothing anymore.

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