McCree x Female Reader: A Different Life

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Part Seven: McCree x Female Reader - A Different Life.


Author's Note: Similar to my first story, this follows the journey of a matured Jesse McCree who doesn't know what he wants. Regarding content, are you able to finally convince the cowboy to settle down with you or will you let him go so he can work everything out?


You found yourself back in your old town, memories flooding through your veins, as you wandered around the dark city. You hadn't been here since your grandmother got sick and your family needed you home. You had built up a good life here, but family was your priority and you left without ever saying goodbye to those who cared about you.

You found yourself entering the Black Pharaoh, a bar where you used to spend your nights drinking, surrounded by all your friends. You remembered meeting a certain somebody there, one that still stuck in your mind. He was a confused character, never knew what he wanted, and you never took the risk of finding out in case it wasn't you. Every time there was a moment between you both, you'd shut it down, not wanting to destroy the friendship you already had.

You knew he felt that way about you, but he was not ready to settle down. He had a different woman in his bed every night, growing bored with one and simply replacing her with another. He was the life of the party and would always be showing off. He knew you secretly liked it though, even if you would never tell him.

You approached the bartender and sat down on the stool sighing, wondering if any of your old friends would be here. You suspected not though; it had been years and they probably moved on to bigger and better places. They never wanted to stick around in this small town, but strangely, you did. It felt like home, but family would always be more important.

You're not sure why you were here; maybe you needed to take a break from looking after your family or maybe you were just hoping to forget and remember when life was much simpler and less complicated?

'Whiskey on the rocks' you sighed, placing your money on the table. The bartender took your money before fetching you your drink. You drank in silence, the warm fluid running through your blood. You felt a little light headed – it had been a long time since you'd had a drink.

You heard a ruckus coming from behind you in the booths. Two girls were giggling obnoxiously loud and making a commotion. Your head began to ache, tired of the high-pitched whines coming from the table.

You turned around, shooting the women a glare before your mouth dropped open. Situated between both women, with an arm around each was your former flame, Jesse McCree. He hadn't noticed you sitting there and was too busy planting kisses on one of the girl's neck. She couldn't stop squealing.

You rolled your eyes, unsurprised by Jesse's actions. You knew that girl thought she could be the one to change him, but he'd grow tired of her by the next morning.

You picked up your glass, finishing your drink, praying it would give you the courage you most certainly needed before setting down the empty glass and making your way over.

Jesse didn't notice you there at first, too busy grabbing at the girls' lower backside.

'Ahem' you coughed, garnering his attention, as well as his acquaintances. A devilish smile crawled upon his face, before removing his hands from the girls and leaning forward.

'Never failed to impress me with your choice of company Jesse' you teased, looking the ladies up and down.

'Excuse me, we're kind of in the middle of something...' One of them began before being interrupted by Jesse.

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