Reinhardt x Male Reader: Honour

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Part Twenty: Reinhardt x Male Reader - Honour


This is a REQUESTED STORY. (Requested by gayboi1111111112457)

Author's Note: This is my first Daddy-Dom story, so any constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated. Regarding content, after getting sick in battle, Reinhardt is furious he had to stop his fight to assist you back to camp. Is he too proud to confess his attraction to you or will you see a softer side of this honour-obsessed hero?


'CRUSADERS!' the scary man in metal yelled at us. We were shaking in our armor; any bravery or courage that we had evaporated into thin air.

'WE NEED TO HONOUR OUR COUNTRY, OUR COMRADES AND OURSELVES' he boomed, his German accent making his words hard to determine, but I think I understood what he was trying to say.

Training was hard, as he barked out orders. Reinhardt Wilhelm was his name, being overlooked and watched by Balderich von Adler. He had to determine whether Reinhardt had what it took to become a lieutenant in the Crusaders. I did my best to keep up with his demands. I had to become strong and fit for my country. We needed to stop the Omnic crisis from causing more damage and casualties to the world. 

We were prepared for battle, but I hadn't felt well in a while. I shook my head, trying to prevent this fever from causing me anymore grief. We had been training for weeks and were finally ready to challenge the Bastion unit. We had an EMP bomb ready to use at one of their core military units located in Switzerland. Once immobilised, we would attack and destroy every single one of them.

'ARE YOU READY COMRADES?' Reinhardt roared, as we hovered over their base in a helicopter, ready to drop the EMP.

We nodded, as we dropped onto the roof. We began drilling into the ceiling, causing some of the bastion bots below to shoot at the roof. We had to act faster or the roof would collapse beneath us. I began to feel faint, as the dust caused by the drilling tainted the fresh air. I touched my forehead. It was burning. I did not feel well.

'Are you alright crusader?' Balderich asked me, concern spread across his face.

'Yes sir' I nodded, cocking my rifle, my legs shaking as we broke through the ceiling, dropping the EMP bomb.

It stunned the enemy bastion bots, as we dropped down into the building, shooting our bullets into them. I began to feel light headed and made my way over to Reinhardt. I took cover behind his shield while I threw blast grenades from afar at the omnics.

'Reinhardt, I'm not feeling too good' I yelled, looking for guidance.

Is that the best you can do?' Reinhardt laughed at the bastions shooting at us, who had recovered from the EMP blast. He hadn't heard me.

'Reinhardt' I said, feeling my eyes roll to the back of my head.

'What is it comrade?' he said, frowning at me, as he held his shield in place.

I didn't speak, as I fell to the ground. Reinhardt noticed my body crumple to the floor. His eyes widened in fear, unsure of what to do.

'HAMMER DOWN' he roared, sending the bastion bots to the floor, the ground cracking below them. He swung his hammer, crushing them before rushing to my side.

He detached the metal armor from his hand, placing it against my face. It was hot against his touch. With what little strength I had left, my weak arms reached out to his fingers, pulling it towards my mouth. I began sucking on his index finger. It was if I were a child, needing comfort. I was scared.

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