Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


It was exactly two months later, when Jimin finally got his timing right. He kept going back towards the shore to take a look at the usual spot, hoping to find a certain boy sitting there every single time. Today it wasn't the usual spot though. Instead he had found a big stone near the place Jimin used to watch him from.

Jimin knew that this wasn't forever. Anything could happen. The boy could change his routine or simply forget about this place and Jimin would have no way to see him ever again. He wouldn't get the chance to watch the way the boy's hair grew longer and longer, before suddenly shortening again. He would no longer be able to listen to the boy's swearing at whatever was making him frustrated enough to spend hours sitting on the beach just watching the sea, sometimes taking notes in his book. Which was why Jimin decided that maybe he would have to gather his courage. He had been out of the water before. He had talked to humans before. He just didn't know how to talk to this one.

Frustrated with himself he dove underwater, shaking his head at his own cowardice. This wasn't like him at all.

But in the end... he didn't try to talk to the boy, because sometimes it's just more convenient to be a coward.


Gosh a lot is happening in my life and I don't even know where to with all the emotions

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