Chapter 24

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Chapter 24


It took what? About ten minutes for Jimin to lose Yoongi in that crowd. Which was surprising taken the fact that Jimin would have bet on ten seconds.

They were searching for each other but who would have guessed to no avail. Giving up on reuniting with Yoongi by force Jimin decided to explore the house. It was huge. Had a swimming pool. A garden shed and one of those fancy mini bars and if Jimin was not completely blind there was an inflatable dick swimming in the pool.

Great taste. Really.

By the time he had gotten a good overview of the house he finally spotted Yoongi who was standing on the corridor talking to someone. When Jimin got closer he realized that they weren't exactly talking. It looked more like they were poking fun at Yoongi, who seemed really fed off, pushing them away from him, which only lead to them laughing more.

Jimin bit his lip angrily. Those two...

With quick steps Jimin moved next to Yoongi who was seemingly getting smaller by the second. "Something wrong?"

Jimin was smaller than both of them but that didn't change that he was muscular and could be slightly imitating at least when he was being serious. Not that the boys really cared. They were probably drunk enough to start a fight with a bodybuilder without thinking it over.

Yoongi didn't say anything but Jimin could feel the way Yoongi's hand found its way to his sleeve holding onto it and if it weren't for the situation Jimin would have smiled at how cute that was.

"Who are you? His boyfriend? I mean you look like a fag yourself." One of the boys stepped forward puffing up his chest and trying to look as imitating as possible while Jimin couldn't help but think how pathetic he looked doing so.

"If I am? What are you gonna do? Call for daddy to help you out." Yes, Jimin was aware that he was moving down to their level and being quite pathetic himself but in this kind of situation what was there to do. "If you don't wanna have my knee making sure that you will never be able to reproduce I'd advise you to fuck off."

Jimin pushed the guy in the chest and almost expected the boy to snap but instead he sent Jimin a glare before turning back to Yoongi. "Next time we meet don't hide behind your fucking boyfriend. Don't make me pity you." They left.

"Wow I did not expect them to be THAT weak. I mean bullies do tend to search for someone that doesn't defend themselves but I expected him to have at least enough guts to throw a punch." Jimin turned around to Yoongi who seemed kind of out of it. "Don't let them do that to you."

Still no answer. "You're ten times stronger and cooler than them. They will probably give up the second you decide to talk back. You know you could spit some fire like you do in your raps. It's really hot you kn..." He was interrupted when Yoongi wrapped his arms around Jimin pulling the boy into a tight hug he didn't let him go from.

"Hey are you alright?" Jimin ran his hand along Yoongi's back, who just clung onto him as if his life depended on it.

When Yoongi finally decided to talk it was a whisper. "I fucking hate this. I'm not really scared of them... I think. I just freeze and don't know what to say they second they come up to me. I'm so pathetic..." Yoongi's voice broke and Jimin really felt that in his heart.

"No you're not. It's a normal reaction. It's the pattern you fell into with them. You just have to learn how to escape it again. You're gonna do fine." His hand carefully caressed Yoongi's back.

When Yoongi finally let go his hands were still slightly shaking. He lifted one of them staring at it. "I'm such a pussy. I act all cool when it comes to my music or when I'm trying to impressive but really I'm not."

"Shut up. You really are impressive. Just because you're impressive doesn't mean you are not allowed to have emotions. Actually I think the most impressive thing is getting through life without ending up emotionless. And you're doing fine with that."

Yoongi chuckled. "Thanks for being here."

"Of course I'm here. Anytime."

Jimin glanced sideways for a second checking whether or not anyone was around blocking his escape route. When no one was he leaned forward to whisper into Yoongi's ear. If he could make Yoongi's evening he was going to do it even if that meant outing himself.

"I have to tell you a secret. Don't tell anyone but I have this huge crush on this really cool guy called Min Yoongi." Yoongi's eyes widened, but before he could say anything at all, Jimin disappeared into thin nothing.


That's some progress right there~

Thank you all for reading this story!!!

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