Chapter 18

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Chapter 18


„Holy shit. You produced that? That's amazing!" Jimin really was impressed by the boy's work. Through his life Jimin had listened to a bunch of stuff composed by some well-known artists and Yoongi could definitely keep up. Of course his music wasn't perfect yet but Jimin was sure he could make himself a name throughout his life.

"The guy I sent it to didn't seem to think the same." Yoongi muttered, letting himself fall onto the bed, sighing tiredly. When he had finally gathered the courage to carry it to a music agency they rejected him just like that, not even giving a reason.

"Then that means they're stupid. It's not really the music I usually listen to, but it's great nevertheless."

"Thanks... that means a lot to me." There was a short silence in which both Jimin and Yoongi just stared at each other, Jimin still holding the headphones he had used to listen to Yoongi's piece in his hand.

They were leaning in before Jimin startled out of his trance, quickly sitting back his eyes wide and chuckling awkwardly. "Anyways, I liked it a lot. You have to show me some more soon alright?" Jimin got up from the bed in a bit of a haste, grabbing the now empty boxes of food.

"You're leaving already?"

"I have to... do the laundry." It was more than obvious that Jimin was searching for an excuse.

"You literally wear the same three pieces of clothing every day? What do you need to wash?"

"Those exact three pieces of clothing."


"Uh-huh!" Yoongi chuckled at how aggressive Jimin said it and thanks to that the awkward atmosphere was gone, at least for a moment.

"See you again once I'm back from my little trip."

"You're not gonna come see me again before that?"

"Sorry. I'm a bit busy."

"It's alright... so till next week."

"Yeah..." Another silence. Jimin looked like he wanted to say something more but decided against it. Instead he hesitantly hugged Yoongi.

"Don't let it get you down. You are doing amazing." It took Yoongi a moment to realize that Jimin was talking about the whole music thing.

"I'm used to disappointment. This is nothing new."

Jimin frowned at that. "Don't say that. I bet from now on your life is going to get better and better. I mean you have me~"

"How could I forget about that." Yoongi chuckled ruffling Jimin's hair. "See you soon Mr. I make everything better with my pure existence."

"I did not say that." Jimin complained, laughing now, opening the door leading into the hallway.

"You meant it."

"I mean I would say something if it wasn't true." He teased and Yoongi groaned, jokingly kicking Jimin's side, who looked at him scandalized.

"Get your fat ass out of here."

"I have a perfect ass. You do not get to talk to me like that young man."

"Last time I checked I was older than you."

"Good joke."

"Aren't I."

Jimin realized his slip. "Now that you put it like that. You really are a grandpa so maybe you are."

Before Yoongi could come up with a retort to the weird reaction, Jimin waved before closing the door behind him, hastily running away from the apartment, blushing like crazy. God, he never realized how fucking scary it was to kiss someone.

Sure he had teased guys with almost kissing them before. He knew for sure that his body looked great, just like his face. But doing stuff that he could actually mess up easily was scary as shit.

While he was in the midst of freaking out Yoongi sat down on his bed, sighing to himself. He never would be able to have the courage to just kiss Jimin.


Gosh I love writing teenage Yoongi!!!

Like he'll get out of the angst phase someday but he's so cute💜😂

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