Chapter 50

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Chapter 50


By the time evening came the number of followers on Yoongi’s account had risen to two-hundred thousand. It still didn’t feel real. There were people sending him messages about how much they enjoyed his songs. He didn’t really have many fans, which was reasonable since no one had ever heard of him before. There was no real information on him. Just this one album, but people seemed curious.

Namjoon was acting as his secretary and had already made plans for two interviews right the next day. He explained that two would be a good number for now because it wasn’t too much, but would give people enough information about him for the time being.

Yoongi was lying in his bed, Jimin rolled up by his side. The boy was breathing slowly, his eyes closed tightly and he was clinging to Yoongi’s arm.

Yoongi was wide awake, thinking about what this would mean. How things were going to continue. Would this be a permanent thing or just your typical five minutes of fame? Jimin seemed rather sure that people were going to fall in love with his character but he wasn’t all that sure about that. After all he’d spent most his high school days trying to avoid people, since there always was something they’d end up hating about him.

A bit hesitant he reached out, interlinking his fingers with Jimin’s. The boy stirred in his sleep before tiredly opening his eyes and rubbing them, a soft yawn leaving his lips.

“You’re still awake? Can’t sleep?” He asked, voice soft, bringing his free hand up and putting it on Yoongi’s cheek.

Yoongi shook his head. “I’m nervous. I don’t know what tomorrow is going to be like.” He admitted.

“Want me to help you sleep better?” Jimin offered, running his thumb over Yoongi’s cheeks, silently admiring how soft the boy’s skin was.

Again, Yoongi shook his head. “No… I… would you talk to me for a bit? I don’t know. Tell me about your past or something.”

Jimin nodded, carefully pulling his hand out of Yoongi’s hold before stretching and sitting up. He got into a cross-legged sitting position and patted his lap for Yoongi to use as a pillow. When the boy did, Jimin carefully threaded his fingers through his hair in a soothing manner.

“I don’t remember much from my first century living. It was really long ago. The only thing I know is that I had been with my family for as long as I could remember. Family consisted of my brother and parents. Then me and my brother got separated from our parents and just spend years searching for them and at some point accepted that we were on our own now.

After a while Taehyung left too… he… didn’t like that I was curious about humans. I spent a lot of time on land. Getting to know their culture. I know that I started really getting interested in humans in the year 1543. That’s the only exact point in time I can tell you about because I spent a lot of time in their cities during that period. Humans were awful. Interesting but awful. But I got along with them back then… I just was really fascinated by their culture and things like that.” Jimin explained. “Tae left soon after. He just disappeared over night and I started searching for him, but the ocean is huge and it’s almost impossible to find anything you’re searching for. I spent years and never found him, but when I came back on land humanity had already moved on. Their language had changed, clothes and everything else too… not one single person I knew was still alive so I went back to the sea where I came from.”

Jimin sighed, closing his eyes. Yoongi was listening to him with a serious focused face. “After all of that I just spent years getting to know the ocean. Getting somewhat of an idea where what is. Like what you have as a map of the surface, I saved something like that in my head about the sea and its depths.”

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