Chapter 51

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Chapter 51


„So, Suga. What did inspire you to write the album? I myself listened to it and I have to say, you do mention some pretty dark themes such as depression, the struggles that come with becoming an adult as well as some other things. Did you experience those in yourself, or maybe in a friend or a family member of yours?" The interviewer asked politely before handing Yoongi the microphone.

Yoongi took it, slightly nodding his head, before speaking. "Growing up I had to deal with a lot of different problems, one among others being really struggling with where I want to go in live. Since I'm an orphan I never had anyone who helped me find the right path. A lot of my problems stem from that."

The interviewer widened her eyes dramatically, taking the microphone from his hand. "You're an orphan? I'm sure your fans would like to hear more about that. Would you be comfortable with sharing more about that with us?"

Yoongi slowly shook his head while looking at the mic. "It's something really personal and I'd prefer if it to be something I could keep to myself. Overall what I can say is that due to it, I've always struggled with where to live, what to eat and what to wear. When something that should be so normal is stripped from you, that can also lead to emotions such as feeling worthless and in the long term even to depression. Something I've struggled with in the past, so yes, the songs were mainly written from my own experience, although I have talked a lot with my friend and co-producer RM about it."

The interviewer smiled, asking her next question. "This is your first album and a lot of people have been wondering what you look like. Now that you're sitting here in front of me I can't help but wonder why you haven't tried your luck as a rapper for an entertainment company or idol group. You surely would have the right face to do it."

"I'm not a great dancer. Admittedly I probably look more like I'm having a stroke than like I'm dancing when I do try. Also the whole concept of standing on a stage performing is not quite the right thing for me. I prefer producing music in the shadows instead of the spotlight, because I'm more on the timid side. I struggle with speaking to people whom I don't know well and large audiences scare me if I'm being honest."

"Oh wow I didn't even notice. You're very well spoken, considering that this is your first interview from what I know." The woman reassured. "So you probably won't start a career in that field of work either?"

"Probably not. I don't know how everything is going to continue, but I'm glad that people seem to be enjoying my music so far and there hasn't been much negativity. The topics I write about are pretty sensitive to some, so it's relieving that people seem to relate rather than feel like I'm portraying them as something they aren't." Yoongi explained, his hands shaking lightly, but when he looked past the interviewer there was Jimin holding up both thumbs and mouthing 'You're doing amazing!'

Yoongi smiled at him for a second before turning back to the interviewer, who had taken back the microphone. "Someone has to talk about these topics and I think people who do struggle with depression will be glad someone is making it a topic that people can actually talk about in public."

Yoongi nodded. "Now let's stray away from the topic of depression and the meanings of your songs and leave some mystery to it. I have been burning to ask this question ever since I was handed the outlines of the questions I was supposed to ask you. In one of the songs you have the line '...ripped off by the company I had hoped would make my dream come true.'. I'm guessing this actually happened." Yoongi nodded. "How did this happen? Have you taken legal actions against them?"

Yoongi sighed, before shaking his head and waiting for the mic to be handed back to him. "I have not taken legal actions against them simply because I lack the influence and money to do so. But I do plan on doing it as soon as I am able to."

"Would you be willing to give away the name of the company or do you want to wait until you press charges?"

"It's a small company, so the name might not be familiar but it's called NLG Entertainment and maybe you have heard of the song, but I'd like to keep that to myself until I've contacted a lawyer about the whole thing."

"Of course. It was nice talking to you Suga. Best wishes on your journey."

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