Chapter 27

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Chapter 27


The way Jimin was woken up one night certainly wasn't the most pleasant one, considering that being kicked out of bed actually hurt a lot more than one would expect. With a loud thud his body hit the warm wooden planks underneath the bed and Jimin was awake.

Groaning he got up, checking on why he was on the floor. The answer presented itself right away. Yoongi, who was usually more of a quiet and calm sleeper, was tossing and turning in his bed, his eyelids fluttering wildly, but he didn't wake up.

"Yoongi?" Jimin's voice was soft as he called for the boy, but the other didn't react, instead grabbing onto one of the pillows and whimpering in his sleep. It actually hurt Jimin physically to see Yoongi like this.

He grabbed Yoongi's shoulder, not so cautiously shaking the boy to wake him up. Yoongi's eyes shot open and Jimin noticed the tears that had gathered in the other's eyes. He was sweaty and breathing hard and Jimin couldn't help but wonder how long he had been tossing and turning before Jimin woke up.

"Are you okay?" Jimin said, a gentle undertone to his voice as he sat back down on the edge of the bed next to the frightened boy, soothingly running his hand over the other's thigh. It took Yoongi a couple of seconds to realize where he was.

"Yeah." His voice was rough from sleep and crying.

"You don't look like it. What did you dream about?" Jimin continued asking. Yoongi shrugged. "Can't remember."


"Yeah." There was a drawn-out silence before Yoongi gave in, running his hand through his hair. "I really can't remember. But it's probably the same as always. Trauma." He ran his hand through his hair again, scrunching up his face in disgust. "I feel like shit."

"Should I get you some water?" Yoongi looked up at Jimin, who still looked exactly as understanding as he had right after he woke up. God, Yoongi hated showing weakness. Especially when it came to Jimin. The boy always seemed so on top of things and hardly ever was bothered by anything. Yoongi wanted to be like that. Sure of himself. Not the emotional wreck he actually was.

"That would be great." He admitted, watching as Jimin hurried out the door to get him some water. A minute later they both sat on their bed, Jimin watching Yoongi as he downed the glass within a second of arrival.

"Should I get you some more?"

"No." Yoongi simply said before moving down and putting his head on Jimin's lap, closing his eyes. Without any hesitation, Jimin brought his hand down to Yoongi's head, running his hand over it. A soft sigh left Yoongi's lips at the soothing effect of Jimin's careful touches.

He could still feel his heart drumming in his chest, like it was trying to win a race. "You know..." Yoongi came to a halt when a soft humming tone filled the air around him. Breathy and hardly audible but it was there and Yoongi felt a wave of calmness and warmth flooding through his entire body. He could feel it even in the deepest parts of his being. All the sorrows, anxiety, depression, feelings that had been there for all his life, being washed away by peace and quiet. He didn't even bother to ask what Jimin was doing. Something he certainly would have if his brain had worked the way it usually did at the moment. But it didn't, so instead he just closed his eyes again, sighing in relieve as sleep came to him as easy as it hadn't done in years.

The last thought he had before falling asleep was how angelic Jimin's voice sounded.

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