Chapter 46

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Chapter 46


„I love this view." Jimin stated pointing at the city that was visible in the distance.

Yoongi chuckled, pushing his hands deeper into his pockets. "Wow... we're at the beach and you're fanboying over the city."

"I've seen beaches and the ocean all my life. Cities, in comparison, just the last decades."

Yoongi's mouth dropped. "Wait a second... how old are you even? I never asked."

Jimin shrugged his shoulders. "No idea, to be honest. I didn't keep track of time but judging by your history books I'd guess somewhat between 900 and 1200 years. I spent a lot of time with no contact to humans, so I can't even say anything precise... just a long time, I guess?"

Judging by the way Yoongi's eyes widened it probably really was a long time. "That's... holy shit."

Jimin chuckled. "Sorry?"

Yoongi shook his head. "Don't apologize... I just didn't think. God that's so weird. How come there aren't more of you if you get that old?"

"We hardly get children. We can but the chances are pretty low and there aren't many of us. The ocean is big, but aside from my parents and brother I think I've seen a handful of sirens in my whole life. We're dying out as a species." Jimin explained, running his hand through his hair still looking at the small city with all its lights and neon signs.

"That's sad."

"Is it? I feel like humans should be rather glad. We're a lot more dangerous than one of those great white sharks you fear. Those things are pretty precious in comparison to a siren if I'm honest." Jimin chuckled, bringing his sweater paws up to his face and warming it up a bit. At this time of the year there always were warm and cold days mixed and sometimes one day would change course around three times.

"Are you scared of sharks? I mean, they do eat human's and fish and aren't you kind of both?" Yoongi asked. Jimin hit his shoulder, laughing incredulously. "Fuck you."

"You're half half." Yoongi stated, an amused smile on his lips.

"No I'm not. I'm better." Jimin crossed his arms over his chest, but that didn't change anything about the happy spark that was in his eyes. "And no I'm not scared of sharks. They are scared of me tho. Little fishy knows the food chain."

Yoongi raised an eyebrow. "What do you eat when you're in the ocean? Or rather, what did you use to eat in the past before we met?"

Jimin glanced at the ocean, his old home. God he really would have to swim more often soon. The strong feeling of homesickness was still there. Not as bad as it had been before he'd told Yoongi about the fact that he was a creature of the sea, but it still was there. "I used to eat fish, sharks... animals that were stupid enough to get to close to the ocean..." He faltered. He'd promised that he wouldn't keep secrets anymore but he wasn't sure whether this would be a good idea to admit nevertheless. "...humans."

There was a long silence.

Jimin didn't look at Yoongi. He didn't want to. Didn't want to see the face he was probably making.

"You didn't just drown them?" Yoongi did sound a bit choked up but the reaction wasn't nearly as bad as Jimin had worried it would be.

"Yeah. It's dead. Why waste completely fine food?" Jimin sighed. "Sorry. I know that makes you uncomfortable but it's just who I am. I already promised I'd not do it again."

"It's okay I guess. It's just really weird to imagine. I mean you could eat me..." Yoongi explained and Jimin cracked up, quickly covering his mouth with his sweater paw.

Yoongi looked confused. "What's so funny?"

"It's just..." Jimin began, eyes forming small crescents. "...I'd really prefer eating you in a very different way."

Yoongi's cheeks took a soft red tone. "That's not funny!"

Jimin quickly nodded, still laughing. "It is."

Yoongi groaned, running his hand over his face in agony. "Did you watch porn or something while I was gone?"

"Maybe?" Jimin grinned. When Yoongi looked even more done with his life, he quickly pulled the boy's hand into his. "Hey, I gotta learn how that stuff works with humans. I mean at some point we are gonna... I hope?"

Yoongi shook his head in disbelieve. "Yeah we will. Someday."

"By the way I read up on that stuff and usually you'd do something like that after at maximum a year... why haven't we?" Jimin asked, rubbing Yoongi's hand softly, his eyes watching the boy curiously.

"I... just... need more time." Yoongi stated, looking super embarrassed.

"But why?" Jimin was waiting for Yoongi to answer when he noticed someone climbing out of the water onto the rocks. His eyes widened when he recognized a familiar face.

Yoongi, who'd just been searching for an answer, noticed Jimin's staring and turned around. There was a boy, standing there with wet brown hair and strong blue eyes, entirely naked. The boy was beautiful. The only person Yoongi would have been able to name that was more beautiful in his eyes was Jimin.

He was taller than Jimin, but there was something angelically innocent in his features. The resemblance to Jimin was striking in a way, but at the same time he felt like there was none at all. They just had the same aura. The same way to carry themselves.

Unlike Jimin the boy seemed a bit unsteady on his legs, not even noticing Yoongi, instead just staring at Jimin.

When Jimin took a step forward the boy seemed to be ripped out of his thoughts. His eyes met Yoongi's and the atmosphere seemed to shift, but before anything could happen Jimin slipped between the two of them and made a noise Yoongi had never heard before. The best way to describe it was the mix of a hiss and a snarl. The boy's posture changed into one like he was about to attack.

Jimin snarled again, warningly. The boy hissed back, revealing sharp teeth. Again Jimin let out a warning tone that sounded a lot scarier than the sounds the boy had made. Yoongi couldn't help but wonder what Jimin's face looked like while doing it.

Jimin turned around to Yoongi, looking a bit hesitant. "I'll be back soon... I just have to take care of something."

He pulled the hoodie over his head, throwing it at Yoongi, before sprinting towards the boy and pushing him back into the water and then jumping after him.

Yoongi stood there, staring at the sweater he was holding. What had just happened?


Any guesses who that might be?😂

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