Chapter 28

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Chapter 28


„Alright. We can do this." Yoongi stated, grabbing a knife and taking it into both hands, as if ready for battle. Jimin giggled. "You look ridiculous."

"Sheesh, thanks." Yoongi laughed, looking down. "Is the apron too much?"

An enthusiastic nod came from Jimin, but Yoongi simply shrugged his shoulders. "Well, I don't care. I'm not getting anything on my favorite shirt."

Jimin smiled at the short, dark haired male, who was now finally grabbing the ingredients they needed for steak and potatoes. Spoiler alert. Steak and potatoes.

Jimin turned on the radio, happily bouncing on the balls of his feet to the song that was playing. He was in a pretty good mood. The both of them had some great food and a movie marathon planned. The day couldn't get any better.

Yoongi turned around, watching as Jimin swiftly moved along with the tact, not even trying hard but looking damn beautiful while doing so. Jimin noticed Yoongi's staring and came to a halt, a smug smile on his lips. "Shouldn't you be cooking or something?"

"Pfff." Yoongi turned around, ready to wash the potatoes, what he had planned on doing before getting distracted, when Jimin wrapped his arms around him, giggling happily.

"You know, this is my birthday. Shouldn't I be the one jumping around like that?" Yoongi chuckled, pecking Jimin's hand. The smaller boy shook his head. "I am happy because you look happy. You can't hide from me." Jimin joked, poking Yoongi's cheek, who tried to look as annoyed as possible, which wasn't very annoyed.

"Wanna help me?"

Jimin nodded, squeezing himself into the kitchen next to Yoongi, which wasn't as easy as it sounds considering the work surface was about a meter long. They worked alongside each other for a couple of minutes. Jimin, whenever he picked up a familiar tune, humming along, while Yoongi just enjoyed the soothing effect Jimin's voice had on him. Not the same way it did that night a while ago. Instead it just reminded him of Jimin.

It all worked pretty well, both of them enjoying the easygoing atmosphere, that was until a painfully familiar song was played. Jimin was quick to turn the radio off, but Yoongi was already reminded and whether the song played as a whole or just the first few notes, it had a certain skill to set him in a bad mood, no matter what he had felt like beforehand.

Not willing to deal with a grumpy Yoongi for the rest of the day, especially not when the boy was actually supposed to be enjoying his birthday, Jimin wrapped his arms around Yoongi's waist, hugging him close. "You know, they took that song, but it's still your song. There are still thousands of people listening to the emotions you worked into it. And you know what? If they listen to it with some random fuckboy missing half of the notes and literally just screeching at the high notes you probably have an idea of how well they would be taken it if your song had been performed by an actual proper singer." Jimin placed a peck on Yoongi's neck.

"You're pretty amazing, when it comes to music... not just music though. Pretty much everything if I think about it."

Yoongi turned around in Jimin's arms, looking at the slightly smaller boy with a look that Jimin couldn't quite identify and had previously never seen on Yoongi, before leaning down and capturing Jimin's lips in a soft kiss. This was new.

They had kissed a couple of times over the last weeks, but it had always been Jimin to initiate it, so being kissed by Yoongi felt quite new to him, but clearly not bad.

"Thanks... I kind of needed that." Yoongi muttered before hugging Jimin's body closer to his own. The older smiled fondly, patting Yoongi's side. "No problem. It's a truth that just had to be told for once."

A tear trickled down Jimin's cheek and the boy looked just as surprised as Yoongi. Jimin wiped his eyes. "What the hell. Why am I crying? I'm not sad!"

Jimin kept rubbing his burning eyes, swearing at them, while Yoongi snickered from the sidelines, forgetting about how bad he had just been feeling minutes ago. He turned around with the intent of continuing to cook, when something caught his eyes that had him burst out laughing.

Jimin, who certainly wanted to know why Yoongi was laughing so much, moved closer, trying to find out what was so funny, but he didn't spot anything that would indicate why Yoongi was cracking up like that.

"I don't get it. Why are you laughing?" Jimin pouted and Yoongi managed to gasp enough air to press out one single word. "Onions."

When Jimin looked at him confused, Yoongi pointed at the freshly cut onion slices. "It's the fucking onions."

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