Chapter 31

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Chapter 31


Jimin was once again sitting on the sharp rocks he and Yoongi always used to sit on. He had been feeling a bit depressed lately. The best word to describe it was homesick. He spent more and more time with Yoongi. Staying over at his place and not returning to the sea for nights at a time.

He could feel it straining his energy. He just got into sad moods a lot more often and felt like something was missing. The worst part about it was that Yoongi really, really hated the ocean. Now that he was more emotionally stable than when Jimin had gotten to know him, he hardly ever came here anymore.

Never sitting on the beach. Never watching as the dark water swallowed up any traces of light. Jimin swallowed hard. He could feel a lump forming in his throat and tears well up in his eyes. Why was he feeling like this?

Right now what he felt like doing was to just jump into the ocean and let the cold waters hold him and comfort him. At best forever.

A soft whimper made it through his choked up throat.

Why was he like this. He had spent long periods of time out of the water before. It had felt bad but right now he felt like his body was missing the sea to the point of breakage. His heart hurt.

"Jimin?" A soft voice broke him out of his thoughts and he quickly wiped his eyes, turning around and acting like nothing happened. Yoongi was climbing the rocks, but the moment he got a look on Jimin's face his expression turned worried.

"Why are you crying?" He quickly took the last couple of steps, before engulfing Jimin in a warm affectionate hug. "What's wrong?"

Instead of answering Jimin simply leaned into his chest, closing his eyes before starting to full on sob into Yoongi's t-shirt. He didn't even know how much he had been pushing these feelings away to get to this point. He felt choked up and restricted in this body. It made him feel sick, but what was he supposed to do?

He knew the answer. But he had been pushing it away for weeks now. Why? Because he was scared of Yoongi's reaction. What would he say or do once he found out?

Although right now there didn't seem to be a way out. This wasn't his body. Spending time in it used up energy. Energy Jimin didn't get a chance to refill due to hardly ever swimming anymore.

"Yoongi?" Jimin's voice was rough and used from crying. His tears stuck to his skin the way salt water would, but unlike the cold waters it didn't bring him comfort.

"Yeah?" Yoongi carefully ran his hand through Jimin's hair, trying to comfort the boy.

Jimin sighed softly, enjoying the proximity that made the feeling of restrictedness slip into the back of his mind. "I want to show you something."

Not knowing what the boy was talking about Yoongi nodded. "Sure. What do you want to show me?"

Feeling energy run through him at the thought of finally showing Yoongi, he quickly got up, grabbing his hand and pulling the boy with him. Even though he wasn't really sure where they were going or what this was about Yoongi simply followed Jimin, smiling at how Jimin dragged him along.

"Stand here." Jimin held both of his hands up, indicating Yoongi should stay put. Nodding Yoongi crossed his arms, glancing around the area. He had never been around here before. He didn't even know that there was a small trail leading from the main road through a bunch of bushes and weed. If Jimin hadn't pointed it out he never would have found himself standing on a small abandoned catwalk.

The only thing indicating that it was still used by someone was a flickering lantern that was placed right next to the water, illuminating some parts of it in a weak orange tone. The scene mixed with the silence that was only interrupted by cicadas singing their nightly songs.

Yoongi just stood there in awe, not even noticing when Jimin pulled his t-shirt over his head, before kicking his shorts off his legs. It took a loud splashing sound right next to the place Yoongi had been staring at for Yoongi to realize that Jimin no longer was standing behind him.

When he glanced around he only saw darkness. Aside from the small part of the water that the lantern was shining at, the water seemed to be swallowing any traces of light. Yoongi could feel a vague sense of dread fill him up. The same one he always felt when he spent too much time close to water.

He was just about to call Jimin's name, when his head popped up right in the center of the lit area. Yoongi could feel a weight falling off his chest when Jimin smiled at him. "You're here."

He probably sounded about just as relieved as he felt.

Jimin smiled softly. "I'm here."

A short look of hesitance crossed Jimin's face, but he quickly caught himself again.

"I wanna show you a secret of mine. But you have to promise not to leave right away, okay?" Jimin asked and Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Why would he leave?

"I promise." Yoongi reassured. "What is this about?" Yoongi asked, but instead of answering Jimin just shook his head, a mysterious smile on his lips. "Just watch."

Just before Yoongi could say another word Jimin dove down. Wondering what he was doing Yoongi squinted his eyes together, trying to make out anything, but there was just the darkness of the water... nothing else. Or at least he thought so, before he spotted something dark moving right underneath the water surface.

Scales. Big black scales that reflected the light the lantern was sending at them in a beautiful way. As the thing moved it got easier to make out what it was. A tail. A long black fishtail, covered in beautiful scales, that was a lot bigger than it should have been.

And then Jimin appeared, the tail moving right behind him, before sinking deeper down into the darkness again. "What...?" Yoongi began, but Jimin grabbed the edge of the wooden pathway and heaved himself up over the edge.

His long black tail now on perfect display for Yoongi. Jimin was looking at Yoongi, his black hair dripping wet, droplets falling from his hair tips down onto the long, elegant tail. He looked a bit awkward, unsure of what to say. "Uhm... what do you think?"


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