Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


Every single thing Yoongi told him about, Jimin had the best reactions to. No matter how small of a detail. Simply wanting to share a bit with him, Yoongi had told about how he grew up in an orphanage and how he'd always been a bit of an outcast. About how it never really bothered him.

But he also told him things like how his favorite food was Korean barbecue and Jimin instantly requested to eat some with him. He never really liked receiving attention from other people. Probably because it usually was the bad type. People judging him because he was poor, gay or your classic teenage rebel. Almost everyone he had been in contact with until now had disliked one of those traits, but so far Jimin didn't seem to be judging him at all.

He had not made one comment about his place being the shabby rat hole it was. Neither did he joke about Yoongi being gay, which did make sense considering that he claimed to be gay as well.

Instead of any of that Jimin kept asking questions about his lifestyle, how he got through the day and even questions about how he felt living a life like that. It was weird. For once, actually having someone who tried to get to know him.

He did have Namjoon, but they were pretty much brothers, even if not by blood.

"Wait... so they kicked you out, because you weren't dressed appropriately? Because your T-shirt had a stain?" Yoongi nodded, pushing his hands deeper into his pockets.

"Fucking shit faces. I would beat them up." Jimin tapped his bicep as if trying to prove that he was capable of doing so.

Yoongi chuckled. "Sure you would."

"I swear. Those guys are lucky I didn't know you back then. Otherwise I would have given them a good spanking."

Yoongi lost his shit at the thought of Jimin bending his old boss over his lap.

Jimin beamed happily when he saw Yoongi's expression. "You're smiling~"

"I have been all this time."

"Yeah, but you seem a bit gloomy. Did something happen?"

Yoongi's eyes widened for a second before he chuckled awkwardly. "Nah. I'm good. Nothing happened. I'm just a lil tired."

Jimin hesitated. "Alright..."

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